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Ryan Blew It, Not Sanchez


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did you watch the game? was there any point in time that it looked like the jets were actually competitive? cause all i saw was the steelers dominating us defensively and their offense goingon 10 minute gutwrenching drives against our "vaunted" defense"

ok the first drive of the game we looked good and then the rest of the game we looked defeated. the lone bright spot were a few tackles for losses

Game I watched they looked competitive most of the first half. Then they started sucking giant balls.

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Here comes the blame game. Let us blame the coaching staff because Sanchez is a beast at qb and the reason why he did bad all these years was coaching and the front office.

The more the game went on, the more Sanchez and the receivers were getting beatdown by the steelers. He needed help from Tebow in this game but for whatever reason Ryan and Sparano didn't do it. I like Rex Ryan overall, I just think he botched this game.

The larger questions of "Why does Sanchez (aka Jay Cutler) need help when the likes of a Brady or Manning don't " or the controversial " If Tebow does well should he take over", those are not supposed to be questions this year.

Maybe I'm a sucker but I bought in to Rex's idea for 2012 that Sanchez is the quarterback and Tebow is the Jets new action player. Well Tebow can't do squat sitting on the bench. It would have been a close game had Ryan coached it right.

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