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Mark Sanchez: "I'm Going to Win, That's Just How I Am


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Alex Smith is 10000 x better than Sanchez. Not even in the same league.


Alex Smith is nothing more than a game manager, but Sanchez x 1000 is not a game manager.


Alex Smith is not 10000x better than anyone, Sanchez included.  Even with the poor placement on so many actual completions, the guy's completed 55% of his passes, not 5%. 


Kaepernick was drafted right around where Geno Smith was.  Geno dropped like a stone as the draft approached and Kaepernick rose just as much.  In the end there was concern over Smith and Kaepernick both, and that's why neither were drafted 20-30 picks earlier even though both have enough tools to be elite QBs.  The further a prospect is seen as being a sure thing, the lower they (generally) get drafted, and even then massive mistakes are made in both directions (like Sanchez - or worse, like Akili Smith & others - on one end, and Brady & Warner & more on the other end).  


There was enough reason for teams to be concerned about Smith, so he fell like crazy in a draft already lacking playmakers (particularly at QB).  Those concerns will be proven to be justified or unjustified in hindsight, but on draft day? Yeah, I could see why a GM wouldn't want to bet his career on Geno Smith by drafting him #1 or even in the top 10.


Theoretically, we got a major steal with him since it would have been less shocking to most to see him go #1 overall than it was to see Manuel taken at #15 as the first QB off the board.  Smith will either show that we got that steal or he'll show why plenty of QB-needy teams passed up on him in favor of offensive linemen & such.

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Sanchez needs to come clean about last year...his whole "I was the same guy" bs makes me loathe him...have some humility, apologize to the fans for the many handfuls of plays you made it embarrassing to be a Jets fan, and maybe, just maybe...I wont boo the sh*t out of you the minute you step on the field.

People need to brace themselves...Sanchez is going to be our starter...its almost like fighting the champion...Genos gotta spank him to get the decision...and with all the work G needs, hes got a little ways to go, IMO.

Just look at it like this...come next season we may be short on highlights of pick 6's, fumbles, unreal receiver staredowns, an inordinate amount of d-line batted down balls, and crybaby faces....ENJOY IT WHILE IT LASTS!

Stay classy Sanchez...you log of chihuahua sh*t!

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Alex Smith is 10000 x better than Sanchez. Not even in the same league.


Alex Smith is nothing more than a game manager, but Sanchez x 1000 is not a game manager.

Are you 12 years old? Compare Sanchez first three years to Alex Smith, you would be screaming from the rooftops about how god awful Smith is, you need to take a step back and try to be rational.

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