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Mehta: Idzik's Terrible Start May be end for Rex


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I know I'm impatient when it comes to the Jets, but seriously, Mehta's reaching here. How could you use the first preseason game as the sole factor on which to judge whether Idzik's gotten a return on his investment? We're talking about a game in which even the players admit to not quite being ready for, normal p,ays aren't called, and on in which the projected starters are barely on the field.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't really thrilled with the Jets on Fri night, but Jesus, this is only the first preseason game!

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So to recap, Idzik is terrible for not spending more money in FA, despite having no cap room to do so?  And this is coming from the same guy who was adamant that the Jets should spend the very little cap space they had entirely on a CB coming off of IR?


The FA signings aren't off to a great start, but it's also only been one preseason game.  Saying this is a tad premature is quite the understatement.  Not to mention, whether you agree with the philosophy or not, with very little money to work with Idzik clearly went with a high risk (in terms of the player, but certainly not the money) / high reward philosophy.  Perhaps he could have gone with some safer choices but they either would have cost significantly more money (and thus substantially reduced the number of players they could bring in) or been proven to have little to no upside.


So instead, given that this is essentially a lost season anyway, Idzik decided to take some gambles, figuring that he could roll the dice on getting a much greater return out of these guys than the money they cost, because of the issues that came along with them.  The idea being is if even a couple of those risks work out, and better yet provide the Jets with some long-term options, that's got to be considered a win in a season like this.  Granted they could all turn out to blow up in Idzik's face, but that's why they're also all under contracts that would be very easy to see them get booted out the door come next offseason.  To make the assumption that Idzik is going to approach the offseason next year in exactly the same manner as this past offseason, despite $40 million in cap space as opposed to being over the cap heading into this past FA, is completely baseless and horribly flawed logic.

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