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Christmas Mafia - Game Over - Town Wins!


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I must have missed it? Been busy with finals (I'm too damn old to say that, glad it's the last time) -- hence my lack of activity recently. I'll try and catch up tonight.

As for UNCW...I saw a bit of that game. Yall have a tourney squad this year. We...have one of the worst teams in the nation.

If you win by less than 30 you should be ashamed :rl:


The coach has made all the difference.  We're trotting out the same 5 starters who were key players under Buzz.  Keatts' freshman PG, Jordan Talley, has been solid too.

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Wait, are votes out in the open now, or what?


wtf is going on


I've asked twice, nobody will answer me.


This game sucks. 



Don't like these posts.  This whole "I have no idea what's going on" stuff is cute and all but it leads me to believe at least one of these 2 are scum.


Lily, Verbal, JiF.  I could lynch any of these 3 today.

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Don't like these posts.  This whole "I have no idea what's going on" stuff is cute and all but it leads me to believe at least one of these 2 are scum.


Lily, Verbal, JiF.  I could lynch any of these 3 today.




Lily - Leelou, 80 (2)

80 - Lizzie, Jif, Verbal, Lily (4)

Doggin - Nyn (1)

Jif - Smash (1)

Nyn - Doggin (1)

Leelou - Wombat (1)


Not voting: Crusher, AVM, JC, 


With 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch.




Oh, and that's an OMGUS triple combo right there.  I think Nolder should make me permanently lynch-proof and bullet-proof for that achievement.

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vote Verbal




You've largely ignored me all game and this is the first time you're poking at me -- following 80's lead.


Besides the obvious "you don't want to follow his lead", I'm really wondering why you're voting me.

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Btw, I'm currently entertaining the possibility of BOTH Wombat and Lily being scum.  If Lily is scum, it makes perfect sense for her to sheep my read on Wombat and bus him for town cred.  Knowing Wombat, he'd approve of that.  Either of them being lynched and flipping scum likely clears the other.  This has the making of a solid gambit if they are both scum.

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Um, yeah.  Everybody in this game could claim that - not anything new there.  I've been mostly inactive for the whole game.  As it happens to be moving at a snail's pace, I'm still caught up while doing so, which is nice.


Read above - what do you think of my theory re: Wombat & Lily?

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While we wait for people to play, here are nearly all the scenes from Hess's Xmas game.  Also this game featured the first time Verbal was ever blind-lynched and his glorious rant afterwards.  Enjoy.




…Not all is joy and bliss this cold December night. A small group of rebel toys have set camp not far from Santa’s workshop. It appears certain promises where made but NOT kept to this ragtag group of misfits. And now there is only one thing left on their mind…REVENGE
…so they sit and wait patiently...for their time is almost here. They have come a long way across this frozen desert. And now they are only to wait for the fat, incorrigible bastard to fall asleep next to that whore of a wife. Then they will pluck him from his fat, stupid slumber, drug him up real fine… and stuff him in that giant, overgrown, red, goody bag of his...and sludge him back to the island, where he will be their prisoner, their slave for all eternity…



…hours later

Word is out that Santa Clause has been drugged, kidnapped and rumored to have been gang raped. Nobody can find him. Mrs. Claus is on the verge of a nervous breakdown and has locked herself in a closet with a handful of Valium. It seems like it’s up to Rudolph to once again save Christmas… find the evil perpetrators and bring Santa back to the North Pole in time for Christmas Eve. But he can’t do it alone, so he’s called upon some old friends, including, Clarice the Doe aka Lily (mod-confirmed innocent) to help him find these Christmas thugs and get Santa back in time. If he can’t… Christmas will be lost forever. ..

Welcome to:
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer's Red Christmas: Finder’s Keepers, Loser’s Die
A HessStation Production



9:10 Santa's Workshop, Rudolph and team are making final preparations for battle...

Rudolph: "Head Elf, we have to do something about Hermey. I'm not sure the kid's got what it takes. This is going to be a war out there. There will be blood. Some of us could die."

Head Elf: "Agreed Rudy, that kid's a no talent pussy who can't get his head out of his own a$$. I'm not sure we should even bring him."

Rudolph: "No we need every elf we can get. All hands on deck. But see if you can go talk to him and the other elves, but whip him into shape a bit. I like him and all, but he's just a boy. We need soldiers. Go see what you can do."

Head Elf: "You got it Rudy."




Rudolph: “Holy **** that hurt like hell. I’m ok. Everyone get your weapons. Let’s kill some toys.”

Snowballs continue to rain down on Rudolph and his friends. Everyone ducks for cover, some looking for an opening to counter-attack the guarded Misfit castle. Coach Comet is not so impressed though. He stands up and begins to mock the Misfit Toys, snowballs sailing by him by the inch. Looking up towards King Moonracer’s tower he shouts…

Rudolph: “Comet, stand down. We should wait this out a bit.”

Coach Comet: *Whips out his M16* “**** this, I’ll head in first, COVER ME”

Clarice: “Comet wait, NO IT’S A TRAP”


…and just like that, the ground collapses from beneath him. Coach Comet aka Pac, Town Double Voter, drops into the frozen waters from beneath the island, dies instantly from shock and sinks to the lowly bottom of the world…never to be heard from again.



The war raged on throughout the darkness of the night. Rudolph’s army split up looking for an opening into the castle, somehow, there had to be a way to breach Moonracer’s defenses…Yukon decided it was best to quietly sneak around the perimeter and ambush the toys from behind. “They’ll never see me in the darkness, if I can get behind the castle, I’m sure I can find a way inside while they’re all occupied up front. I can sneak in, maybe grab Santa and get him out without anyone even noticing…maybe even drive this pickax through a couple toy’s hearts while I’m at it!”



But before he went he had to try and settle his cocaine addiction...




Wait. WTF, was that just Bumble Yukon saw following him from somewhere behind? Naw probably just tweaking out a bit. He made his way to the back of Moonracer’s castle safely and sure enough found what appeared to be a way inside… through a small crack in the ice walls. “Ha, struck silver & gold after all bitchez.” But as he was making his way inside he heard what appeared to be small whispers from behind a large snow bank just a few feet away.
… As he turned around to…

Yukon Cornelius, aka Wombat, Town Lie Detector has been savagely ripped apart limb by limb.

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…As Daylight brakes Moonracer continues to watch the battle from his dark tower. Until he smells something funny, smoke. He searches his castle until he finds where the blasted smell is coming from. There, sprawled all across his foyer floor, ripped apart and burnt to shreds lay…Spotted Elephant aka Ape, Scum Roleblocker, crushed…and then torched into a thousand stitches of ash.


Day 2 has begun…



The day was slow and dreary...it appears the Misfit Toys dropped acid tab traps throughout the island. Everybody forgot what they were there for and just wondered aimlessly around the compounds. Unfortunately while setting the traps the Toys dosed themselves as well. It was a total sh*tshow.


King Moonracer's Dungeon 10:07




Head Elf apparently lost his mind due to the acid traps. Even hours after the drug wore off on the island’s two opposing armies Head Elf was still out of his head. At one point he even stormed into one of the bunkers where elves were reloading ammunition, thinking he was back in Santa’s workshop… as Bob Knight circa 1992. It was a terrible, most unfortunate scene.




Everyone thought it would be best if he were just dead. He obviously couldn’t be trusted anymore. So together they tackled poor H.E. to the ground and stuck his head into the freezing snow...until he reached his final breath.

Brett, aka, Head Elf, Town who needs an extra vote to lynch, is Dead.


Night 2 has begun…



From his tower King Moonracer scanned the perimeter surrounding his castle with binoculars. It was then that he spotted what appeared to be a burning, red fire on what could have been considered the highest mountaintop within view. “This doesn’t look like one of Rudolph’s men?” Confused, he sent his trusted henchman Dolly for Sue to get answers…It was a long, cold hike but eventually Dolly made it to the mountains peak and realized the flames were coming from within a large cave…she quietly snuck inside to have a peek. “What the Fuuuu…”


“This dude is aaaa freak,” thought Dolly. So she whipped out her machine gun and and sprays bullets until there were none left. Dead on the ground lay Smashmouth, aka 3rd Party Serial Killer….




It was a long walk back to the castle. But Dolly was feeling pretty satisfied with her work. When out of nowhere…




...But Dolly was ninja quick for a little rag doll and somehow escaped....



After giving up on the chase Bumble decided it was time to head back toward camp with the others He couldn't believe his eyes when he turned around to see what stood before him. "Hello Yeti...I mean Goodbye Yeti."


And with that the Abominable Snowman's heart shattered to a million pieces. Sharrow, aka Bumble, Town Vig is dead.


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Hammer time?






Unvote vote Verb



lol.... probably should've waited a bit for him to show up, but with the deadline 10am tomorrow, who knows if we would've seen him at all..



OMG you people are retarded.

You just lynched the Cop. And I have a guilty I was sitting on.




How could you not let me reveal? Really?

Awful town.



Did I mention awful?

I had a guilty, but was confident we would be ok without me revealing that. When I read pressure was coming back to me, I figured I'd reveal and we'd lynch my guilty viewing.

My plan was to come out with multiple views and narrow the list. **** you all.

I'm rooting for scum.



Mafia 101: get a ******* reveal out of a train - don't blind lynch unless you have to.

Did you have to?





My God, I hadn't even gotten a chance to defend my train after my vote earlier today. Is that how we play now?

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Day 3 started off with a hint of Christmas magic. 2 potential town killers lay dead. Sure Head Elf was with the good guys...but he was a bit crazy in the head...



I'm going to keep doing this until Hess finally kills me. **** going home. You all are my bitches until Hess is done.



Let's see how many votes I had when I made my vote and logged.....



Oh look - 1. DPR voted me about 40 minutes before I voted and then I just came back now to a lynch?

Votes 2 through 7 in a couple of hours without a pause for defense.......like you did for SMC?




Changed my mind, Hess. Please send me the scum thread so I can chat with them and cheer them on.

**** the town. Clueless.



But then Rudolph, aka Verb, Town Cop had his eyes ripped out of his sockets, and then his kneecaps shattered with a bat, they stuck sharp pencils through his ears and for good measure chopped off his head and mounted it on a stick...must of been an acid flashback.




Haha - awesome. Scum thread please.


Blind, 80? You were lynched as Cop blind?



Poor Rudolph. What had they done? Distraught and weakened without their leader the town decided to cease and desist for the night. “Look, I don’t know WTF happened back there but we need to regroup and reload,” said Hermey, now taking command in Rudolph’s absence. “Take the night off, get your sh*t together and be ready to fight come morning. Santa is wasting away in there. We’re his only hope. WE MUST SAVE CHRISTMAS.” Some listened and well, some didn’t….

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Mistzi, Rudolph’s mother seemed most devastated…and wanted revenge. So she snuck out from her quarters once everyone was asleep. She decided she would find Moonracer, sneak in while he's sleeping and slit his throat herself…



She made it all the way to the Castle wall beneath the cover of darkness. Although it seemed a little too easy she figured, the toys must be as tired as us after three straight days of fighting. “Maybe I’ll just KILL THEM ALL while they sleep.” And so she found a way in, through the same crack that Yukon once found prior to his ambush & death…but there was no ambush behind the giant snow bank this time….



It took some time but eventually she found the entrance to Moonracer’s chambers. When all the sudden she heard footsteps from behind. She quickly grabbed her blade…





“shhhhhh. Mitzi, it’s me darling. I’ve been following you the whole time.”

“Donner, oh hold me. Hold me, like, forever.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too baby.”


“Now let’s kill these scumbag toys together… For Rudolph.”

…And so they crept into the darkness of King Moonracer’s room both blade and sword in hand…









The lights sprang on and the toys jumped the two reindeer, teeth and claws exposed. It was a freakin’ bloodbath.


Mistzi, Rudolph’s Mom aka Vic, Town Lover and Donner, Rudolph’s Dad aka AVM, Town Lover are dead.


Day 4 has begun...

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The morale in Rudolph's camp was at an all time low. They were debating if it was worth it to even carry on. Rudolph and now his parents...dead. But maybe all was not lost after all...

Dolly for Sue, aka SMC, Scum BPV has been caught, cut and then burned to ash.


Night 4 has begun. NA's por favor.



4:11 pm A Snow Blizzard begins to fall upon the island…

Fireball’s one tough cookie. He didn’t even have a weapon. Well, they did strap the explosive device to his chest. But he wasn’t al qaeda. I mean he would have preferred to stay alive…



So anyway, with new hope throughout the town camp everyone caught their second wind and decided all was not lost. Santa…and Christmas could still be saved. Fireball was just taking a quick leek when out of nowhere through the blistering snow…

“Why hello there young whipper-snapper. A cold snowy night isn’t it?”



The poor, young reindeer didn’t even have time to reply…


Fireball, aka Crusher Town Bomb (lynch) is dead



The young lad was fearless in the fight against Moonracer’s army since Rudolph’s death. “I MUST avenge Rudy’s death and I MUST save Christmas. It’s all up to me now.“



But then he heard music coming from a pretty box and was mesmerized. He was just a babe after all.


He crawled closer and closer until…


And JF80 aka Baby New Year, Town Tracker was cut up to ribbons...dead


aaaah…he was so cute too.



Day 5…the loss of Baby New Year and Fireball was just too much to handle for town. They seemed confused and disheveled with the loss of firepower…and with their leader Rudolph dead, hope was once again fading…

“Follow me,” cried Hermey. “Follow me to VICTORY.” “I WANT BLOOD! BLOOOOOD.”



"He's lying. He's a scum traitor. "Guilty....Guittttty," cried...cried...wait who the **** is that?

"I dunno, you know?"

"No, not me, you?"

"Ah naw, never seen her before in my life."

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"Fak it she seems legit to me."

And so JiF aka Hermey, Town Doc was ripped to bloody pieced and left for dead on the cold, ice island ground.







No...there's isn't bitch.





Clarice the Doe aka Lily Mod Confirmed Town has been decapitated.




BG, aka Snow Miser SK turned Roleless Town has had his arms and legs ripped out of their socket and has bled to death.




Sam the Snowman, aka JC Town Psychiatrist, has been thrown into the furnace and melted to death.




SCUM, The Misfit Toys have Won the Game...





And Christmas is lost...FOREVER





Thank you for playing:

Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer's Red Christmas: Finder's Keepers, Loser's Die

A HessStation Production


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Look guys, I am the least analytical player in the group. Add that to the lack of outward votes and you have a very confused Lily. At least admit you're voting me because I'm not good at the game, not because I'm scum. I'm not scum. 

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Btw, I'm currently entertaining the possibility of BOTH Wombat and Lily being scum.  If Lily is scum, it makes perfect sense for her to sheep my read on Wombat and bus him for town cred.  Knowing Wombat, he'd approve of that.  Either of them being lynched and flipping scum likely clears the other.  This has the making of a solid gambit if they are both scum.



You caught me. Here's my bus vote. ;)



Vote Wombat

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I'm uneasy with Lily, even now with voting back out in the open she isn't doing much in the game. She had no reason to trust that you were town to follow you. As far as wombat goes, I really need to go back and read his posts. I really don't like that there was no lynch day 1. JiF has been meh so far. I'd like to see more from him. Kiv has been kinda sketch, but I think Nyn has been hung up on him and not really done much else. Smash was oddly active and now Ape is dead. Could still kill LK for that dumb early shot on Hess.

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I'm uneasy with Lily, even now with voting back out in the open she isn't doing much in the game. She had no reason to trust that you were town to follow you. As far as wombat goes, I really need to go back and read his posts. I really don't like that there was no lynch day 1. JiF has been meh so far. I'd like to see more from him. Kiv has been kinda sketch, but I think Nyn has been hung up on him and not really done much else. Smash was oddly active and now Ape is dead. Could still kill LK for that dumb early shot on Hess.


Kiv and JiF are the ones who seem most suspect to me right now, for reasons I've pointed out. I'm 'hung up on' Kivam because I think he's scum. Both you and Wombat pointed out that I'm tunneling him while also admitting he's been sketchy, which means that there's an agreement that something is off about him... and yet I'm expected to lay off him?  Why? That makes no sense to me. And neither of you is following up on his sketchiness with a vote.

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Kiv and JiF are the ones who seem most suspect to me right now, for reasons I've pointed out. I'm 'hung up on' Kivam because I think he's scum. Both you and Wombat pointed out that I'm tunneling him while also admitting he's been sketchy, which means that there's an agreement that something is off about him... and yet I'm expected to lay off him? Why? That makes no sense to me. And neither of you is following up on his sketchiness with a vote.

I was voting Kiv for a long time yesterday.

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Smash was oddly active and now Ape is dead. 


Maybe I'm misreading... but how are those two things related?



I liked quite a few of Smash's posts from earlier in the game, but yeah, he has kinda went quiet. Has he said he'll be busy?

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