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Bizzaro World Offseason


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Everyone, especially the media knows the Jets are a circus, a living clown fest of horrible decisions, inept headline hungry ownership, clueless drafting and horrible front office personnel.


Yet, since Black Monday every single move the Jets have made looked at objectively has been exceptional:


1. Fire Rex A++++ Had to go

1a. Fire Idzik A Tossed away an entire season and gave us a nice parting FU with Harvin, but did have the right philosophy, just not the right guy


2. Hired Casserly and Wolf to advise B+ (Marrone plan drops their grade a little)

3. Passed on Marrone A+

4 Hired Bowles TBD (early indications are awesome though so let's assign an initial A+ to this. Best HC candidate out there I think)

5 Hired Mac and Cheese TB (but his moves in FA have been super brilliant so A++ early here as well. Does not seem to have ANY of the weaknesses people were concerned about, great with Press, not over his head in negotiations with other teams, contracts have been super solid and EVERYONE says he is a fantastic talent evaluator)


6. Let David Lee, Sanjay Lal and the rest of the Jets coaching stiffs follow Rex to Buffalo A++

7. Fired Bradway A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (worthless and damaging to the Jets for years even if he did stomp on the desk for Russell Wilson


8. Traded for Marshall A+ Getting a Top 10 receiver who likely has 3-6 good years ahead of him for effectively a sixth is larceny. Has a so-so reputation but if you look into it, he is a very good guy with a mental illness that is now identified and being treated

9. Signed Revis A Best CB in football, and a VERY reasonable contract that does not mortgage our future and has at most a $6M cap hit Not only is the island back, his work ethic and leadership will improve every player on the secondary. I don't like the Mevi$ element of him but as a player he is one of a kind. Also hurts NE significantly.

10. Signed Buster Skrine B+ Penalty prone, but because of aggressiveness and effort not carelessness, a player on the rise that everyone thinks can be a diamond in the rough and an exceptional nickel corner. Huge upgrade over Wilson, slightly rich but not unreasonable contract

11. Resigned Balaal Powell as they say on SNY, and David Harris. A Sends a message to team we will take care of our own

12 Signed James Carpenter B+ Former first round pick that could become an excellent player. Much better at pass blocking than run blocking, which is an area that needed to be addressed on the Jets

13. Trade for Fitz A Whether as starter or backup mentor and teacher to Geno or a draft pick a great pickup especially since he knows the offense already. Plus his contract is lower than what we paid Vick to sulk last year


If we get Gilchrist the entire start of offseason will be a A+++++ Not sure we need Cro.


Look at that. Every move is excellent. The circus is gone and in this new bizzaro world, the future of the Jets is starting to look very bright.

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Won't say A+++++ but I'm definitely loving the moves we have made.  Finding a QB is not easy but at least we brought in someone who knows the system.  He can be a great help to Geno's development IF he is our QB.


 The fact that we offered more $$$ for Iupatui than he signed for says that management really went out and addressed the main needs for us, CB OL and WR.   We are not done and based on what I have read about the way Bowles likes to play defense, Cro would be a great pick up.  Hopefully we get Gilchrist. 


If they get an a LB at #6 then I may bump this to your A+++++.  But they seem to be making all the right moves so if the select Mariota then I'm going to trust that he could be the real deal.   

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