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How did the Colts make it as far as they did last year?


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The reason why the Colts made the AFC Championship game is the fact that they have an elite quarterback by the name of Andrew Luck. He lead the team to where they lost to the Deflatriots. I wish the Jets could have an "Elite" quarterback. Hopefully Geno plays well and Perry in the future is proven to be a "Franchise QB"

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The reason why the Colts made the AFC Championship game is the fact that they have an elite quarterback by the name of Andrew Luck. He lead the team to where they lost to the Deflatriots. I wish the Jets could have an "Elite" quarterback. Hopefully Geno plays well and Perry in the future is proven to be a "Franchise QB"


Who is the true conquering hero?





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Not to mention they already have Andre TY and Moncreif. One could argue that they're preparing for a future without TY (and obviously Andre), but there are other ways to go about that than spending a first round pick on a guy who will be 4th on the depth chart. Especially when you have a franchise QB.

It will be interesting to see who as the better career overall between Dorsett and Devin Smith. I give Dorsett an edge early on because of the QB but I think Smith is the better player with a bigger upside. 

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I was watching highlights of the AFCCG (God knows why) and I was just appalled by how bad the Colts are. No heart, no balls, no guts. The Pats didn't even do anything special, just the typical dink-and-dunk passes that Brady is usually known for. I didn't see a single player on defense hustle or give a sh*t when a Pats receiver caught the ball. Receivers rarely if ever got open. Zero pass protection. Zero run game.


How did they even make it that far? They shouldn't have even sniffed the playoffs, let alone AFCCG last season.

I have not read any posts..but I imagine even a bunch of knuckle dragging, internet watching, bulletin board posting, playoff lacking JETS fans have figured out .....  


its the QB. :)

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