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More examples of bad drafting (Non-Jets related)


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Just for sh*ts and giggles, and since Pettine and Farmer were just fired, I thought I would look at the last six years of drafting for the Browns.  This organization is another example of how important it is to know what you are doing in the drafting process.

Between 2009-2015, the Browns had 20 total selections that fell within the first 60 players drafted of each year.  Within six years, they could almost draft an entire starting roster on both sides of the ball.  What do they have to show for it?  

  1. Alex Mack
  2. Brian Robiskie
  3. Mottamed Massaquoi
  4. David Veikune
  5. Joe Haden
  6. T.J. Ward
  7. Mantario Hardesty
  8. Phil Taylor
  9. Jabaal Sheard
  10. Greg Little
  11. Trent Richardson
  12. Brandon Weedon
  13. Mitchell Schwartz
  14. Barkevious Mingo
  15. Justin Gilbert
  16. Johnny Manziel
  17. Joel Bitonio
  18. Danny Shelton
  19. Cameron Irving
  20. Nate Orchard

AAAAANDD......discuss.  I mean, that is a whole lotta nothing. 

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There's no clear chain of command in Cleveland.  Their draft history is an ownership problem, ultimately.  Just a poorly run organization, simple as that.  It's amazing how so many successful businessmen can do so well at building a fortune but do not have a clue of how to run a pro sports team.  Then again, thanks to revenue sharing, it doesn't really matter.  They keep getting richer regardless. 

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