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Site Rules


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JetNation Site Rules

The rules here are simple:

1. Post your sports topics in the appropriate sports forum.

2. If your thread is off-topic then it goes in the Lounge. No exceptions. The NFL Talk\Jets forum is for football talk only.

3. No pictures containing nudity may be posted.

4. Political Discussions are forbidden. Same goes for talk about religion. Why? Because these conversations don’t stay civil for long.

5. No personal attacks.

6. No cursing. People read this stuff at work. Curse words gets people in trouble.


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I have reposted the site rules and provided a link to them for future reference. This site is free -- in return we do require that these rules are followed.

The mods here: Smizzy, Faba, Sperm Edwards, Tabor Jet and G.O.B. volunteer their time to help out here. In the past few days there has been too many reported posts, locked\deleted threads and personal attacks.

If you don't like a poster simply put them on IGNORE. This can be setup under your USER CP. Let's focus on football. I realize that with over 1,500 members not everyone is going to get along. But there is no reason to show a lack of respect to other members here.

Your cooperation going forward is appreciated.

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