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Question about TE in the backfield and blitzes


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Anyone familiar with the offense that Schott ran in San Diego? Here is why I ask -- was having the TEs in the backfield something they used there? Or is this a case of Mangini using the versality thing to only keep on fullback on the roster?

I am not saying it is good or bad. Just curious.

Also about the problems picking up the blitzes. I am undecided on this one myself. But do you think it is a communication thing -- guys are just not doing the right thing? Or are they sending too many people out on each play?

Off the top of my head I have to say it is communication. Because every one of these sacks that has happened on a blitz there has been people standing around.

They better get this fixed and get a running game going or else Fisher is going to have a field day.

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Or are they sending too many people out on each play?

I'd say that's one issue- not enough people kept in to block. Most of their downfield patterns were from a one back formation. The two back formations produced dink and dunk or running plays.

If the OL is going to struggle, you need a reliable back to pick up the blitz.

Leon made the same mistake as Houston did two weeks ago- didnt see the blitzer, went the wrong way and was out of position.

If an OL gets beat one on one (Neinhuis and Jones) there just isnt much to do except get back in the huddle (and draft more OL next year).

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Another point- sending the TE out on a pass pattern, keeping one inexperienced back in to protect, and being overmatched on the OL is a recipe for disaster.

Watching the replay, there were plenty of plays where they were not keeping the TE in to block, and at least one (the sack of Clemens near the goal line) had horrid results.

They werent doing anything extra to help protect the passer, and i was not too pleased with either the offensive gameplan or playcalling last night.

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Well Pociask was supposed to be an H-back for us, blocking TE and FB on passing downs, he's a hell of a blocker which is why he was drafted, since he is now on IR Eric needs someone to fill in that role, hence TE's in the backfield. Schott was known for using a lot of split back setups which I would like to see here.

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Well Pociask was supposed to be an H-back for us, blocking TE and FB on passing downs, he's a hell of a blocker which is why he was drafted, since he is now on IR Eric needs someone to fill in that role, hence TE's in the backfield.

Good stuff, Spudicus.

If that's the case, I'd say Pociask's injury is a big loss.

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