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Jets Power Rankings: Training Camp Week 5

by R_in_CT at 05:23PM (EDT) on August 31, 2006 | Permanent Link

power (pou' er) n. 1. ability to do, act, or produce. 2. the ability to control others; authority; influence; strength.

With the final exhibition game hours away and the regular season looming larger on the horizon, let's check in and see who has the juice in Jetland this week.

1. Tangini - With final cutdowns this week, this is when the young coach and GM will combine their Wonder Twin powers and create what will be known as the 2006 Jets.

"Form of . . . a champion. Shape of . . . a juggernaut."(super hero pic here)

Okay, I'll be happy with a Competitive Team, but why not dare to hope they can be better than advertised? Last August, NONE of the dozen NFL experts at ESPN had the Bears winning their division, and although two had the Seahawks making the playoffs, no one had them in the Super Bowl. Like with the lottery, "you can't win if you don't play." (Or is that, "Hey, someone has to win"? Maybe "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son"? Whatever.) Obviously, with the Jolley trade, the wheeling and dealing has begun.

2. Chad Pennington - Mr. Pennington:

As the "newly" annointed starting quarterback, it is your honor-bound duty to stand up strong behind a rebuilt offensive line with two rookies, to rely on a running game featuring a cast-off back from a team that finished worse than the Jets, and to throw to a group of receivers that demonstrate no great speed or game-breaking ability. All this with a twice-repaired shoulder, which also needs to be strong enough to carry the football hopes and dreams of a vast, rabid legion of green-and-white fanatics, who admire your courage, tenacity and champion's heart, but will just as quickly scream for your banishment to Bogeyland upon your first miscue.

Godspeed, Mr. Pennington. Godspeed.

-- Signed, All of Us

3. Brooks Bollinger - I know there's been all sorts of s******ing in the press about Bolly, derisive comments that his chances to make this team are about those of the new Mets stadium being referred to as "The House that Victor Zambrano Built," but when you step back, why wouldn't the Jets want Bollinger around? He's totally in the Mangini mold: a classic overachiever and college team captain who is a gamer and can make plays inside and outside of the pocket, with his arm and his feet. It seems no one gives him a shot (outside of the coaching staff), but I would be surprised if they kept Ramsey over the Plucky Badger, considering his game experience from last season, and especially if he does well with the first-teamers versus the Iggles.

4. Ben Graham - With the Jets pronounced lack of offense, the left-footed Aussie may be the hardest working man in Special Teams this season, which you know is fine by Mike "Mickey" Westhoff.

Westhoff: "Okay, kid. I knows you ain't afraid of nothing, what living with them dingoes, convicts, platypussies and all down under, but that ain't nothing compared to an NFL rush. Did you see how McClover destroyed Dorsch last week?"

Graham: "Aye, mate. Scary stuff."

Westhoff: "Yeah, that was because I had him locked in a dark basement all last year while he was rehabbing, chained to a Bowflex and only watching an endless loop of films of blocked punts all the time. I fed him once a day, a plate of protein gruel, and slowly transformed him into some types of inhumane special teams beast, I did. I also told him that unless he wanted back in the basement, he had to go out and wreck the punter each week this year, completely ruin him, devastate him to the point of making him cry."

Graham: "That's great, mate. So why should I worry?"

Westhoff: "Well, you see, I didn't tell him which punter to do it to, now did I? So keep hanging 'em high or . .. well, let's just say you don't want to be McClobbered, kid."

5. D'Brickashaw Ferguson - Rumor has it that if D'Brick has another false start penalty that Mangini is going to have him run a lap ... around Long Island!

6. Kevan Barlow - Clearly given a pass after the fumble and uninspiring play in his debut for the Jets, the new #32 better step up his play and focus or he could find himself joining Ferguson running laps around the island, or worse, finding out that Nolan was Mother Theresa compared to Mangini.

7. Dewayne Robertson - With yet another season-ending injury to a defensive tackle, the talent behind the former No. 4 overall pick in the draft is thinner than Nicole Richie after a steam bath.

The simple waif?(insert skinny assed pic of Nicole Ritchie here;)

With improved play, D-Rob--who, unlike Ms. Richie, hasn't met a sammich he didn't like--will take the pressure off what remains of the interior of the line behind him. Speaking of--

8. Dave Ball - Apparently, unbeknownst to many, Ball was part of a well-known one-hit wonder band back in the 80s.(Soft Cell keyboardist Dave Ball) They've recently re-formed, modifying the lyrics to their biggest work. A sampling:

Once they ran at you (they ran)

Now they run from you

This tainted D you've given

Give all a tackle could give

Making plays and that's not nearly all

Oh . . . tainted D

(Oh-ooh) tainted D

I'd put that on my iPod, if I had one.

9. & 10. Chris Baker & Bryan Thomas - Mangini is more spare with praise than Ebenezer Scrooge was with money, so either Baker and Thomas (both of whom received relative accolades from the coach this week) are having a strong impact on the team or he's just using them to push other players. With the Jolley deal, it seems like the latter; Baker's stock has risen like a loaf of bread, while continued strong play by Thomas helps take some of the sting out of the former regime's first-round reach for him.

I can't help you with the sting of having read this, but your comments are always welcome!


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