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Seahwaks Tag Hassleback


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They tag Hassleback but are going to let Sean Alexander go. Makes perfect sense to me.

Let's pay the guy that sucks a lot of money and let the guy that will be tough to replace walk.

Oh okay. I get it.

It is a good day to be a RAMS fan.

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funny i was thinking the same thing about QB's...with the Bills going with JP and letting go of Bledsoe...what is Tuna going to do? he can't be holding on to vinny as his starter...oy

Ricky Ray is looking like a hot ticket now...lets hope we can keep him...Serious question...whyy have we given him the shaft ? why has brooks gotten the nod above him?

It's good news, actually. The longer Shaun Alexander stays available, the better chance we have of keeping Lamont Jordan.

btw, this is just proof that there are no more quarterbacks. Sad, sad, sad.

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Brooks was Hackett's boy, gg. Once Dinger gets a look at him, he'll be bagging groceries at the Piggly Wiggly soon enough. Not that Ricky Ray is awesome, either, but he might be capable. Bottom line is this, if Chad goes down, we're doomed. That's why I'd draft David Greene in the 4th round and put him through an accelerated learning course and tell Jeremy Bates (QB coach) that Greene is his personal project.

funny i was thinking the same thing about QB's...with the Bills going with JP and letting go of Bledsoe...what is Tuna going to do? he can't be holding on to vinny as his starter...oy

Ricky Ray is looking like a hot ticket now...lets hope we can keep him...Serious question...whyy have we given him the shaft ? why has brooks gotten the nod above him?

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i would love to see ricky get a chance...mind you i know less then nothing about the CFL but ricky was a star there...isn't that something? or is it only a step up from flag football?

Brooks was Hackett's boy, gg. Once Dinger gets a look at him, he'll be bagging groceries at the Piggly Wiggly soon enough. Not that Ricky Ray is awesome, either, but he might be capable. Bottom line is this, if Chad goes down, we're doomed. That's why I'd draft David Greene in the 4th round and put him through an accelerated learning course and tell Jeremy Bates (QB coach) that Greene is his personal project.
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