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Jessica Biel Strips For "Blue"

By Garth Franklin

Tuesday August 21st 2007 6:17am

US Weekly reports that Jessica Biel will play a stripper in the drama "Powder Blue."

Although Biel has previously said that film nudity is not something she would feel comfortable with, the "Powder Blue" role calls for more revealing scenes.

A source says Biel "signed a contract that explicitly details the bare minimum fans will see - including shots of her breasts and butt," a source told the magazine.

However, Biel will have a final say on the extent of her bare flesh. It's also all in a good cause, her character is trying to earn money to raise her terminally ill son.


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Jessica Biel Strips For "Blue"

By Garth Franklin

Tuesday August 21st 2007 6:17am

US Weekly reports that Jessica Biel will play a stripper in the drama "Powder Blue."

Although Biel has previously said that film nudity is not something she would feel comfortable with, the "Powder Blue" role calls for more revealing scenes.

A source says Biel "signed a contract that explicitly details the bare minimum fans will see - including shots of her breasts and butt," a source told the magazine.

However, Biel will have a final say on the extent of her bare flesh. It's also all in a good cause, her character is trying to earn money to raise her terminally ill son.




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You can say that again!!!

WOOHOO!! I had already heard about it but THIS is the stuff that belongs in the lounge. None of that inspirational crap. Actually I guess if you get right down to it, this is pretty inspirational.

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WOOHOO!! I had already heard about it but THIS is the stuff that belongs in the lounge. None of that inspirational crap. Actually I guess if you get right down to it, this is pretty inspirational.

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