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Cowboys | Wilson intends to write letter to NFL


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Agreed. I don't blame Wade Wilson one iota. If I were him I'd be so Pissed right about now. He's not still playing . Taking HGH for his impotency problem (I'm sure he's just thrilled THAT came out ;) ) didn't effect the outcome of ANY game nor would it EVER effect the outcome of any game. Total double standard.

I'd be pissed too if I couldn't get it up. Just sayin'... :)

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Yeah it's unfair, and next time someone gets caught for steroids they should get a small fine too. Look, everyone does it, and everyone is looking to get an edge. What if you use a non-banned supplement? What is the difference? And some people work out harder, getting a competitive edge. You can't punish people for trying to win.

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Agreed. I don't blame Wade Wilson one iota. If I were him I'd be so Pissed right about now. He's not still playing . Taking HGH for his impotency problem (I'm sure he's just thrilled THAT came out ;) ) didn't effect the outcome of ANY game nor would it EVER effect the outcome of any game. Total double standard.

LOL my wife was wondering if he was using HGH for the middle initial; human GROWTH hormone...she's jus' sayin'

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