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Garden State


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I finally saw this movie on DVD the other day (I know, I know, what kind of excuse for a New Jersey native am I to wait this long?), a movie which was filmed minutes away from my hometown for the most part, and I have to say I thought it was excellent. It actually inspired my sister to stop taking medication (no joke). I especially liked the line: "[God] would want you to know that simply breathing is a miracle".

I expected the movie to be meant for women, but it turned out to be pretty funny. Natalie Portman is just a terrific young actress, IMO

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I finally saw this movie on DVD the other day (I know, I know, what kind of excuse for a New Jersey native am I to wait this long?), a movie which was filmed minutes away from my hometown for the most part, and I have to say I thought it was excellent. It actually inspired my sister to stop taking medication (no joke). I especially liked the line: "[God] would want you to know that simply breathing is a miracle".

I expected the movie to be meant for women, but it turned out to be pretty funny. Natalie Portman is just a terrific young actress, IMO


Are you sure that you aren't the male cheerleader instead of fatcatxl?

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Says the same over-the-hill pervert who thought Sideways was a good movie. :lol:

The make Garden State every five years. It used to be called Say Anything. The whiny teen shtick is a perpetual trope in films. Sideways was great because it touched on the suffering of growing old. Garden State touched on the whininess of being 20-something, which you will come to find is embarrassingly futile and based in sheer ignorance. Now go hit the bong and write an emo song about how your dad doesn't listen to you. :lol:

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The make Garden State every five years. It used to be called Say Anything. The whiny teen shtick is a perpetual trope in films. Sideways was great because it touched on the suffering of growing old. Garden State touched on the whininess of being 20-something, which you will come to find is embarrassingly futile and based in sheer ignorance. Now go hit the bong and write an emo song about how your dad doesn't listen to you. :lol:


By the way, Garden State was an independent film, and therefore it is not a "teenybopper" movie.

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