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Draft day will not fix this team.


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I don't think they should throw the character philosophy away, they'll lose the guys they have now. They can make an exception if they talk to the guy and believe he's changed his ways, but a big mouth like Deangelo Hall would be pretty disruptive with this squad. No reason to be hypocritical, there are plenty of guys that are good soldiers that could improve this team. They could stand to draft a few guys that just play well and keep their traps shut instead of insisting on only drafting team captain honors candidates.


Disruptive what would these calibre players be DISRUPTING the LOSING???????????

This team has 0 character and is now one of the worst NFL franchises in the league,

Its time to change that image. Being the team that wont take a chance on a perennial superstar or a player with bagagge.Theres a reason why we havent won since 1969.

Go Jets!

Oh yeah, Deangelo Hall would be disruptive and a negative here but TO would be a perfect fit, right?:confused::character42:

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Oh yeah, Deangelo Hall would be disruptive and a negative here but TO would be a perfect fit, right?:confused::character42:

Who the hell wants TO?

I just said that it's not fair to say you want tall wrs because 3 of the best wr are tall. There are plenty of ****ty tall receivers. I don't think TO fits this team and I didn't think Moss fit it either. Doesn't mean they aren't good or that Dwayne Jarrett isn't a piece of **** wannbe JJ Stokes.

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Who the hell wants TO?

I just said that it's not fair to say you want tall wrs because 3 of the best wr are tall. There are plenty of ****ty tall receivers. I don't think TO fits this team and I didn't think Moss fit it either. Doesn't mean they aren't good or that Dwayne Jarrett isn't a piece of **** wannbe JJ Stokes.

JF5180 does.

I agree, our WR's are more than sufficient and should be the least of our concerns this offseason.

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They generally don't make as much, and worry about that if you can find those players to sign. Right now we have backups at LG, RG and RT, and an average LT, and a pretty damn good C. Now let's full that LG and you got a dominant side. In the NFL you run to your dominant side, and you just worry about pass blocking on the other side. We can find a decent pass blocking RG and RT since those don't cost much.

With the cap going up, and with the fact that most of our players aren't really so great, you should not worry about paying somebody value. We will fit under the cap. If we have to forego the Ellis and DRob and Vilmas of the world oh no the same we won't pay them.

hmmm.... i guess team concept doesn't work anymore

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