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Kane & Lynch

L.S. Dylan

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I just watched the commercial for it. I have always loved playing co-op games. I haven't brought myself to buy a 360 or a PS3 yet. My xbox still works when I want to play something.

Co-op brings me back to the good old days. Smizz, try the warriors game (rockstar games) for xbox if you haven't. It's pretty fun regular and co op. After you beat it there is an arcade version that is like the old double dragon. I wish more games were like that one.

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Co-op brings me back to the good old days. Smizz, try the warriors game (rockstar games) for xbox if you haven't. It's pretty fun regular and co op. After you beat it there is an arcade version that is like the old double dragon. I wish more games were like that one.

Contra baby...that was my ****!

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Contra is the ****. A buddy of mine has an xbox full of games like contra, ninja turtles, nintendo games, genesis, all the good ones.

Contra was awesome. I loved that game. Double Dragon was a great Co-op game. My faorite Co-op was Baseball, with pitching and hitting, not RBI, I think it was Sega.

edit: This is the game I was talking about:


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Contra was awesome. I loved that game. Double Dragon was a great Co-op game. My faorite Co-op was Baseball, with pitching and hitting, not RBI, I think it was Sega.

edit: This is the game I was talking about:


Oh man I think I remember that game. That was fun as hell. Tecmo Bowl was such a great game too. Four plays, 2 pass 2 run haha. Walter Payton was in that game too I think.

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Oh man I think I remember that game. That was fun as hell. Tecmo Bowl was such a great game too. Four plays, 2 pass 2 run haha. Walter Payton was in that game too I think.

Wen you click the link, under the game pic, it has the control panel. You had two sticks, one hitting one pithing which you would whip around for a nasty curve ball.

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