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A-Rod to hold a press conference Tuesday


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The Yankees were going to have A-Rod met the press on Tuesday in the dugout to try and make it more informal. But expect a full-fledged press conference instead. The main reason? Derek Jeter, Jorge Posada, Mariano Rivera and Andy Pettitte want to attend. Having Those With Rings on hand will provide support, both real and symbolic.

Hopefully he can better explain what he took and how he got it.

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Does that really matter?


Who cares where he got it? Does it make a difference if it was his trainer, or a doctor, or a teammate? Should he rat them out?

Well, if it was a team doctor or a team trainer that would suggest the league wasn't oblivious to, and in fact, encouraging PED use. But that's not really my point.

My point is that he gave a half-hearted apology IMO and I don't believe we can really believe that hes "coming clean" until he admits to what he was putting in his body (It doesn't have to be the exact drug name, Steroids would be just fine) and how he got it (He doesn't have to name a specific name, an unnamed teammate, approached by a stranger, someone employed by him, ect.) You don't take something for 3 years without having a good idea of what it is. Nobody is that stupid.

And we supposedly know what he got from the test results.

True, but he never admitted to it, and I don't think anybody is buying his "Loosy Goosey" explanation.

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