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Vote Count:

Al Capone (5) - Tony Soprano, Tommy DeVito, Virgil, Tony Montana, Michael Corleone.

Nicky Sartoro (4) - Lefty Ruggerio, John Rooney, Marcellus Wallace

Lefty Ruggerio (2) - Henry Hill, Vito Corleone

With 14 players remaining, it takes 8 to cancel an account.

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Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. Its a definite benefit to us that the deadline got extended to 5 PM. That said, given how things are going, I'll just lay the cards out on the table right now: I'm the doctor. Choke on it, Lefty.

The one piece of advice I want to give us that with the extended deadline we do have enough time to choose someone else, so I don't think people should jump onto Capone just to avoid a random lynch just yet. Obviously if you think he's scum then by all means go for it, but I would necesarily vote for him now just because you're not voting for me. I had considered trying to just push his train rather than reveal, but given there could be as many as 3 deaths per day and night phase, I didn't feel comfortable with that unless I was really sold on him.

If the time comes later today and you feel that's what you have to do then so be it, but for now we've got another 8 hours until the deadline. I'm going to regroup and get my thoughts together and come up with who I think good options are. At this point though, I'm done wasting any more time defending myself.

Damn, this is nuts. You still were L-3 and tied with Capone with the rest of the day remaining, so you didn't have to reveal now. But, we can't do anything about it now. Having you outed this early puts the town in a definate bind.

That would leave Capone as the vote leader. Does anyone have an alternative so this doesn't become a sacrifice just to avoid the random lynch? Yes, Capone is who I chose to vote for but without an alternative there is no real choice.

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This ****ing sucks and I blame Montana and Lefty. If Nicky is the Dr I can't vote him and thought Im not scum I don't have a role.

unvote nicky I will vote as soon as their is or isn't a counter claim. With the new deadline Im going to try and calm down a little. But Im still annoyed.

No kidding I got worked. He's been doing this whole thing to **** with me. He knew he could get me. it's ok. I took my vote off Nicky and if Tony wants my vote on me I'll do it. At least the townie that would die in that case wouldn't be the doc. This I can assure you.

LOL!!! He surely did as CTM likes to say, Ninja'd you.

I'm hoping the town will see my case on Lefty...but unlike him...I will let the town make their own decision. I have unvoted and got back onto Lefty unless someone counter claims. I must say I dont understand why Nicky dropped in counter claimed but didnt cast a vote.

Side note, we are lucky that the EY pushed back the deadline, but WTF??? The deadline was set last week for today at noon and only 3 people have checked in this morning. We still have 3 players yet to vote and now we have the #1 target besides Crushomo revealed as the Doc and nobody is around to do anything about it. Poor form by most of you jerkbags knowing that 90% of the players havent posted in close to 4 days. These games are getting boring and really slow do to lack of participation, but this is ridiculous. The deadline was set 4 ****ing days ago.

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LOL!!! He surely did as CTM likes to say, Ninja'd you.

I'm hoping the town will see my case on Lefty...but unlike him...I will let the town make their own decision. I have unvoted and got back onto Lefty unless someone counter claims. I must say I dont understand why Nicky dropped in counter claimed but didnt cast a vote.

Side note, we are lucky that the EY pushed back the deadline, but WTF??? The deadline was set last week for today at noon and only 3 people have checked in this morning. We still have 3 players yet to vote and now we have the #1 target besides Crushomo revealed as the Doc and nobody is around to do anything about it. Poor form by most of you jerkbags knowing that 90% of the players havent posted in close to 4 days. These games are getting boring and really slow do to lack of participation, but this is ridiculous. The deadline was set 4 ****ing days ago.

I spoke too soon...thanks for checking in guys. I was getting a little annoyed.

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Interesting developments here. The fact our Doc is exposed hurts us greatly IMO, this leaves anyone else that is helpful to the town completely vulnerable. Have we heard much form Mr. Costello or Mr. Rooney lately?

Are you reading or playing this game at all???

Frank was lynched you jackass and Rooney posted on this very page (depending how you have your post count per page set up).

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Are you reading or playing this game at all???

Frank was lynched you jackass and Rooney posted on this very page (depending how you have your post count per page set up).

LOL, we haven't heard much from Frank recently because he's dead.

That said, 3 players still haven't voted, I think they are: Nicky, Capone, and Fredo.

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Sorry I haven't gotten on sooner. I had a great impromptu weekend followed by a big pile of crap today. I'm glad the deadline got pushed back, but I don't know how much I'm going to be able to be on between now and then.

I'm going to regroup and get my thoughts together and come up with who I think good options are.

Barring a counter-claim, I'm going to unvote.

Nicky, I also think this reveal could've waited. Reading this morning, it looked like Al Capone was on the road to being lynched - despite what I might think about that case.

Admirable that you're not all over Lefty. That makes me even more interested to hear who you might be interested in. I'm suspicious of everyone, but Tony M and Lefty stand out with their attempts to lead. Guys like that can be helpful or dangerous, depending on where they stand. I was thinking along the same lines as Henry figuring that if we lynched Al or Nicky, we might have a little more insight on their primary accuser.

Taking Nicky's reveal at face value, I now know that Lefty was trying hard to lynch our doc. That's dangerous. vote: Lefty

I'll do my best to check back this afternoon in case there's anything new.

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Well at least that confirms that jackass part of my post.

And Im trying to find where you can increase the amount of posts per page, but having trouble finding it. If I figure it out I will let you know. Bozo.

Don't make me reveal my role, douche.

Anyways. I don't feel right voting on Capone to be honest.

Lefty was leading the town (possibly) down the path of lynching our doctor, not good stuff. But this early on I think that's forgivable because he was head to head with doggin who was scum.

All things considered I think we all need to put our votes somewhere, it's deadline day so I'm going to put my vote where I think it'll be most productive.

Vote: Lefty

Although I do think it's forgivable, the truth is with the doctor reveal this leaves the trains on crusher vs lefty. Let's hope our investigator can find MJ.

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unvote: nicky

if a real doctor is out there you need to be counter claiming. He could be rolefishing but as long as no one steps forward he is our clear. Also, my gut apparantly sucks balls cause i have voted both the cop and doc. So, i feelrather dumb at the moment. Also, thanks for keeping up with the game carlito, try picking on someone that does not have 3 times as many posts as you or i don't know the dead.

Here is the problem i am having. Crusher just seems legitimately frustrated and i buy his reaction as town personally. I would rather not vote him. I am starting to havr doubts on our friend montana however. He reeks of ctm and it is starting to smell like he is doing a lot of the same things he did in the Zombie game. Ctm scum would not be the lurky kind. He would be a power player that uses attacking as a defense. What i mean is that by constantly being prodded you start to defend yourself more instead of suspecting your accuser. I also really do not buy him dropping virgil like a sackof hot potatoes. That is not the ctm i know. At least not town ctm.

vote:tony m

if this picks up no steam, i will vote a leading vote getter to avoid the random lynch. My gut has sucked though so you guys decide for yourself.

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Just to chime in quickly with my thoughts on the timing of my reveal. I know a couple of people are now saying I could have waited, but it was looking like there was little consideration beyond me or Capone and I wasn't sure how much waiting would accomplish. I could have just sat here and defended myself all day and then when it came down to it revealed at a time where there would be no other option but to lynch Capone. And then with the deadline coming up and people not being around, there were even one or two people who said that if I had anything to reveal I should have done so before the weekend. After consideration, I knew I wasn't getting lynched with my ability to reveal, so I wanted people to have the opportunity to choose another direction if they didn't feel comfortable lynching Capone. Granted I've stuck myself in a bit of a WIFOM battle with the scum from here on out, but with the heat I was getting, unless Lefty ended up dead and flipped scum, it was coming sooner or later anyway.

While it potentially could've waited, after going back and forth I decided I'd rather do it now and give us the opportunity to choose a lynch target rather than just be stuck with one in fear of a random lynch. I think its been pretty clear how I started to feel about Lefty the past week and now that I see some people are willing to move in his direction, that's how I'm going. Not really sure I need to say much more to explain it since I think I've said my piece about him plenty already. Bottom line is there is just way too much that doesn't add up since my random questioning of him early last week and at the very bare minimum, he's a guy who I've said again and again is a very dangerous player for the town. I think now you guys can see more clearly why I felt that way.

Vote: Lefty

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Busy at work, will have time in about an hour. For now, i'm wondering if a real doc (if exists) should counter claim

With the cop dead, that leaves only 1 power role.

See this is the type of thing that worries me. Of course if a real doc is out there should counter claimor else we assume nicky is clear when he is not. We then have a 50-50 situation which i will take. Trading a doc for guaranteed scum is a trade i would make at this point. I know youknow better. You tried pulling the maybe real cop shouldn't counterclaim in the zombie game.

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Vote Count:

Al Capone (5) - Tony Soprano, Tommy DeVito, Virgil, Tony Montana, Michael Corleone.

Nicky Sartoro (1) - Lefty Ruggerio

Lefty Ruggerio (5) - Henry Hill, Vito Corleone, Marcellus Wallace, Carlito, Nicky Sartoro

John Rooney (1) - Tony Montana

With 14 players remaining, it takes 8 to cancel an account.

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This deadline sucks... busy getting caught up at work from the long weekend.

All I can say is if there's a Doc out there and you're not countering than you suck.

So let me get this straight... I'm being blamed for being aggressive while many of you suckers sat and watched? If Nickys reveal is true I don't think I'm the first person to mistakenly go after an innocent.

Some of you (especially Henry the idiot) are acting like I was given a script with everyones roles in it by prior to the game starting. So in one hand I'm potentially the guy that pulled off a smooth gamit with Doggin but in the other I'm so stupid as to mercilessly attack the doc and draw attention to myself?! Wake up people... I'm innocent!!


And not for nothing but Nicky was 3 away from being lynched with Al gaining momentum... He didn't have to reveal anything until he was 1 away.

Guys use your heads... my only offense is that I possibly have been accusing the wrong person... It happens EVERY FRIGGIN GAME!!

sorry about the scatter-brained post but it's hard to concentrate with the prying eyes at work..

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Oh boy...


Nice job Lefty you punk ass. Push the lynching of the doctor and now on day 2 we have the Doctor known to the scum. God you ****ing suck at this game.

I know we have a deadline and its going to be tough to get a brand new train going, so everyone is just going to settle for The Crushomo, but I am pretty damn sure he is innocent.

Open your eyes you fools. Think for yourselves. I know that will be hard for some of you ****nuts, but grow a pair and stop letting the scum lead you down the wrong path.

Vote Lefty

If I cant get traction here, I am willing to move my vote, again, to avoid a random lynch. Crushomo is innocent, I am almost certain, I am hoping we can get away from the convenient lynch and get a different train going but I realize we are up against it.

If you were with in arms reach you'd have two black eyes you scumbag.

Guys... This clown has attacked me as mercilessly as he claims I've been attacking Nicky. If you make the mistake of lynching me when I flip innocent please take this pig out.

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unvote: nicky

if a real doctor is out there you need to be counter claiming. He could be rolefishing but as long as no one steps forward he is our clear. Also, my gut apparantly sucks balls cause i have voted both the cop and doc. So, i feelrather dumb at the moment. Also, thanks for keeping up with the game carlito, try picking on someone that does not have 3 times as many posts as you or i don't know the dead.

Here is the problem i am having. Crusher just seems legitimately frustrated and i buy his reaction as town personally. I would rather not vote him. I am starting to havr doubts on our friend montana however. He reeks of ctm and it is starting to smell like he is doing a lot of the same things he did in the Zombie game. Ctm scum would not be the lurky kind. He would be a power player that uses attacking as a defense. What i mean is that by constantly being prodded you start to defend yourself more instead of suspecting your accuser. I also really do not buy him dropping virgil like a sackof hot potatoes. That is not the ctm i know. At least not town ctm.

vote:tony m

if this picks up no steam, i will vote a leading vote getter to avoid the random lynch. My gut has sucked though so you guys decide for yourself.

I'm glad someone has listened to me and realize that we have seen this play before. Every game one of the better players decided to take the town on a ride and picks people off and then blames them.

No doubt Tony M worked me, and Im getting the feeling it's CTM as well. Mostly how comfortable he is insulting me. But, it does reek of the zombie game. I know we saw this before.

So though lefty would be a second choice for me. With Nicky's reveal and no counter I could put my vote on lefty because he too seems to be pied piping the game.

But, I can't help myself and I hope it doesn;t hurt the town but I want to nail tony. I know he's dirty and I know he's trying to take us for a ride. We have all seen this before.

vote: TONY To avoid a random lynch I will vote for lefty.

Also if the town doesn't want to lynch Tony or Lefty and insiste on me, I will put the last vote on myself if you guys insure me Tony will go's next.

I know he's dirty and I know exactly what he's doing. Very well might I add. but he'll come on and accuse me of making it up. **** you monkey boy.

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Vote Count:

Al Capone (5) - Tony Soprano, Tommy DeVito, Virgil, Tony Montana, Michael Corleone.

Nicky Sartoro (1) - Lefty Ruggerio

Lefty Ruggerio (5) - Henry Hill, Vito Corleone, Marcellus Wallace, Carlito, Nicky Sartoro

John Rooney (1) - Tony Montana

With 14 players remaining, it takes 8 to cancel an account.

Interesting. I vote for Tony and I get a vote. What happens when I vote for EY?

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Vote Count:

Al Capone (6) - Tony Soprano, Tommy DeVito, Virgil, Tony Montana, Michael Corleone, Lefty Ruggerio

Lefty Ruggerio (5) - Henry Hill, Vito Corleone, Marcellus Wallace, Carlito, Nicky Sartoro

Tony Montana (2) - John Rooney, Al Capone

With 14 players remaining, it takes 8 to cancel an account.

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Incidentally big FOS on Marcellus. 2 days ago I wasn't suspicious to him whatsoever but suddenly I'm getting his vote for voting the same person he did! Same goes for Vito.

And whether my play has rubbed people the wrong way or not I'd like to think I can help the town. Being vocal and getting people to post is far superior to letting them fly under the radar.

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See this is the type of thing that worries me. Of course if a real doc is out there should counter claimor else we assume nicky is clear when he is not. We then have a 50-50 situation which i will take. Trading a doc for guaranteed scum is a trade i would make at this point. I know youknow better. You tried pulling the maybe real cop shouldn't counterclaim in the zombie game.

Wow. I didnt notice that when I was too busy laughing at Vic the douceberry. That is a very scummy post by Tony M. Might be the scummiest of all thus far in the game.

If you were with in arms reach you'd have two black eyes you scumbag.

Guys... This clown has attacked me as mercilessly as he claims I've been attacking Nicky. If you make the mistake of lynching me when I flip innocent please take this pig out.

Ha! I havent figured out who you are, but you are fun to have around. If you do flip innocent, which I doubt, lynching me next will only get us another innocent death and another bozo move on your part.

Bottom line jerkbag, you have been pushing for Nicky hard and the town has followed you. You were leading us right to lynching the Doctor. You are dangerous...even if you are innocent.

Vote Al

Not sure if I'll be able to post anything more than a sentence or two from 1-5.

Ahhh. Conveniently going with the easy lynch. Glad you put some thought into this, jerky.

I'm glad someone has listened to me and realize that we have seen this play before. Every game one of the better players decided to take the town on a ride and picks people off and then blames them.

No doubt Tony M worked me, and Im getting the feeling it's CTM as well. Mostly how comfortable he is insulting me. But, it does reek of the zombie game. I know we saw this before.

So though lefty would be a second choice for me. With Nicky's reveal and no counter I could put my vote on lefty because he too seems to be pied piping the game.

But, I can't help myself and I hope it doesn;t hurt the town but I want to nail tony. I know he's dirty and I know he's trying to take us for a ride. We have all seen this before.

vote: TONY To avoid a random lynch I will vote for lefty.

Also if the town doesn't want to lynch Tony or Lefty and insiste on me, I will put the last vote on myself if you guys insure me Tony will go's next.

I know he's dirty and I know exactly what he's doing. Very well might I add. but he'll come on and accuse me of making it up. **** you monkey boy.

I tell you what, I really like where you and Rooney are going with this...I might be inclined to change my vote from Lefty to Tony. They are my two favorite targets and that last post he made is as scummy as can be...just dont know if we have the time to get it done.

Like I said earlier, you cant take 2 out in 1 day. So I would be good with saving 1 of them for the next day phase. Which ever you guys think is the best choice, but I definitely get where you guys are going and the fact I already had him on my list would make it easy to switch my vote.

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Incidentally big FOS on Marcellus. 2 days ago I wasn't suspicious to him whatsoever but suddenly I'm getting his vote for voting the same person he did! Same goes for Vito.

And whether my play has rubbed people the wrong way or not I'd like to think I can help the town. Being vocal and getting people to post is far superior to letting them fly under the radar.

You are getting people to follow you down the wrong path and you think you are helpful, dumbdick. You were literally enticing people to vote for Nicky. Not stating cases, just telling them to vote Nicky...jokingly or not...just a ****ty thing to do.

And then you provide no insight on to why you are voting Crushomo. You just did because that is seemingly the easy lych.

What are your feelings toward Tony M? Do you think his play has bee scummy?

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Well that throws a wrench in everything. I feel like I'm the swing vote now. I can't wait til the deadline, btw, as I have to go back into work in a couple of hours. Can't vote for Nicky now, and Al's voting for Tony bothers me, but I think I agree with him. Seeing as we know Al is Crusher, IF he were to be town, I don't see why he wouldn't play it like he is right now. Self preservation is important in the end, but try to get someone lynched you feel strongly is scum, if you can.

I, however, won't be here long enough to change my vote from Tony in the event we stall out, and don't wan't a random lynch. In the end, though I've strongly considered it, I just don't feel good voting for Al. Which leaves me with Lefty as the only option, which I'm also not 100% comfortable with. I've got a couple of hours, max, but then I'll have to switch off of Tony.

Vote: Tony

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Wow. I didnt notice that when I was too busy laughing at Vic the douceberry. That is a very scummy post by Tony M. Might be the scummiest of all thus far in the game.

Ha! I havent figured out who you are, but you are fun to have around. If you do flip innocent, which I doubt, lynching me next will only get us another innocent death and another bozo move on your part.

Bottom line jerkbag, you have been pushing for Nicky hard and the town has followed you. You were leading us right to lynching the Doctor. You are dangerous...even if you are innocent.

Ahhh. Conveniently going with the easy lynch. Glad you put some thought into this, jerky.

I tell you what, I really like where you and Rooney are going with this...I might be inclined to change my vote from Lefty to Tony. They are my two favorite targets and that last post he made is as scummy as can be...just dont know if we have the time to get it done.

Like I said earlier, you cant take 2 out in 1 day. So I would be good with saving 1 of them for the next day phase. Which ever you guys think is the best choice, but I definitely get where you guys are going and the fact I already had him on my list would make it easy to switch my vote.

Like I said earlier Henry, I have my suspicions on Lefty and have no problem changing my vote to him to avoid a random lynch. But I will not focus on anyone other than Tony after that. Ive seen this before. Especially if it's Chan, he did this exact freaking thing in the Zombie game.

I also am willing to vote myself to avoid a random lynch if I will be promised that Tony go's next. I just don't like this because it will give the scum a chance to swing 3 depending on who MK go's for.

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]Wow. I didnt notice that when I was too busy laughing at Vic the douceberry. That is a very scummy post by Tony M. Might be the scummiest of all thus far in the game.

Ha! I havent figured out who you are, but you are fun to have around. If you do flip innocent, which I doubt, lynching me next will only get us another innocent death and another bozo move on your part.

Bottom line jerkbag, you have been pushing for Nicky hard and the town has followed you. You were leading us right to lynching the Doctor. You are dangerous...even if you are innocent.

Ahhh. Conveniently going with the easy lynch. Glad you put some thought into this, jerky.

I tell you what, I really like where you and Rooney are going with this...I might be inclined to change my vote from Lefty to Tony. They are my two favorite targets and that last post he made is as scummy as can be...just dont know if we have the time to get it done.

Like I said earlier, you cant take 2 out in 1 day. So I would be good with saving 1 of them for the next day phase. Which ever you guys think is the best choice, but I definitely get where you guys are going and the fact I already had him on my list would make it easy to switch my vote.

What makes the bolded see, so scummy to you, Rooney?

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Well that throws a wrench in everything. I feel like I'm the swing vote now. I can't wait til the deadline, btw, as I have to go back into work in a couple of hours. Can't vote for Nicky now, and Al's voting for Tony bothers me, but I think I agree with him. Seeing as we know Al is Crusher, IF he were to be town, I don't see why he wouldn't play it like he is right now. Self preservation is important in the end, but try to get someone lynched you feel strongly is scum, if you can.

I, however, won't be here long enough to change my vote from Tony in the event we stall out, and don't wan't a random lynch. In the end, though I've strongly considered it, I just don't feel good voting for Al. Which leaves me with Lefty as the only option, which I'm also not 100% comfortable with. I've got a couple of hours, max, but then I'll have to switch off of Tony.

Vote: Tony

Fredo I can't say I trust you as much as I'd like to but this is the best move. Like I said earlier and i tell you this now. I will vote myself if I have to to avoid a random lynch. Especially because at least I know Im a regular un-roled

Townie. But if I do and you get back and your not scum. Like I said Im still not 100% sure, but willing to let that play out. Go after Tony.

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Vote Count:

Al Capone (6) - Tony Soprano, Tommy DeVito, Virgil, Tony Montana, Michael Corleone, Lefty Ruggerio

Lefty Ruggerio (5) - Henry Hill, Vito Corleone, Marcellus Wallace, Carlito, Nicky Sartoro

Tony Montana (3) - John Rooney, Al Capone, Fredo Corleone

With 14 players remaining, it takes 8 to cancel an account.

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What makes the bolded see, so scummy to you, Rooney?

Sound familiar? Courtesy of the zombie game.

are you guys ****ing serious????

first things first - no counter claims!!

any mass role reveal never includes a doctor reveal. is that what you are advocating?

when woody turns up dead, another doctor turns up dead or another player claims doctor..

actually doggin is right, woody shouldn't be investigated, the scum will either kill him or hit the real doc eventually at which point we know who he is. Investigation is a waste

What did that end up achieving? He bought his scum teammate with a fake doc claim (woody) some time to wiggle out of trouble while trying to rolefish. It would have worked too had Woody not just disappeared. What ended up happening? Crusher and Shutout vote for uncounterclaimed doc and it's obvious as day to mafia who are the potential doctor candidates. Tony Montana urging real doctor to not counterclaim has my scumdar going off the charts. That's ANTI-TOWN. What is Montana trying to do now? Different game, same story.

Think about it, if a real doc is out there and claims now we narrow it down to 50-50. If we pick the right doc to lynch, we get a clear for the rest of the game as the doctor can self-protect. At worst, if we lynch the wrong doc, the next day we have guaranteed scum. Our cop is dead. At this point of the game, the fbi agent isn't known and the doc is self-protecting as it is. If a doctor doesn't counter claim, we assume Nicky is clear. Tony Montana telling a "real doc" not to claim is bs and frankly CTM/Tony M knows better.

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