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Jets "D" is #1 in yards allowed

MadBacker Prime

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Sucks that that fumble recovery TD counts against the Jets dee but yeah, #1 in yards against after facing two of the league's top offenses? Nice.

I totally agree. I think though that this D could almost use that to even fuel them even further, how much further can they go than this, no idea, but I absolutely LOVE what I see.


We deserve what Rex Ryan, Tannenbaum and Woody Johnson are giving us.

May this be the start of something so special that it's SUPER.....

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Also, we continue to SHUT DOWN RUNNING GAMES AND QB HARASSMENT this week. If there's one thing I've learned about these pocket QB's is that they HATE being pressured. They'd like to have pretty large pockets to throw from, especially Kerry Collins. Good Lord....I mean you make this guy think faster than his 53 IQ brain is capable of, and you get TURNOVERS. That's what this D is all about.

Be sure to sit all your Tennessee Titans this week in your respective fantasy football leagues.

C. Johnson - 15 carries for 56 yards (similar to Pittsburgh game); 4 Receptions for 39 yds.

L. White - Don't even hand him the ball, he is way too slow to do anything versus our D.

K. Collins - 16 completions out of 38 Attempts (*they're gonna have to try to throw the ball after the 2nd Qrtr.)

GO JETS!!!!!!!!

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