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Mets (Coupons) don't care about Mets' history


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Do the Mets Need a History Lesson?

As the Mets Work to Repair Relations With Former Players, Some Say the Team Doesn't Do Enough to Honor the Past


NY-AE414_SPORTS_F_20100426173518.jpg Getty Images Tug McGraw, Ron Taylor and Ron Swoboda ride in the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade in 1969, the year the Mets won their first world championship.

Most of the fragile items the New York Mets have broken lately are on their way to being repaired. The offense is showing signs of life. The bullpen has been solid. The team has even gone three days without putting anyone on the disabled list.

Then there's the nagging question of the organization's relationship with its former players

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There are some players in every organization that feel like that have been forgotten or abused.

What the Mets did with Citi last year was too Brooklyn oriented. They have taken strong steps in order to rectify some of that.

My first concern as an actual fan of the Mets, is that they worry about the present product first. THAT is where the attention needs to lie.

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