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For all you Sanchise haters!


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Mark Sanchez is now has 4 road playoff wins so far in only his 2nd season. WHEN we win the SB, he'll have SIX (!) road wins in the playoffs! You can say "oh, it's the run game and the defense", but it's really not. Even last season in the playoffs, we were winning at the half of the AFCC BECAUSE of Sanchez. Who cares if he throws 20 INTs in the regular season if he throws 0 in the postseason?

I don't care what ANYONE says, if Sanchez wins the SB this season, I see him as the next Tom Brady. BANK ON IT!

Now proceed to call me a homer even though I don't think ANY QB has EVER won 4 road playoff games within their first 2 seasons (correct me if I'm wrong). If he gets 6, it will make it even more amazing.

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Mark Sanchez is now has 4 road playoff wins so far in only his 2nd season. WHEN we win the SB, he'll have SIX (!) road wins in the playoffs! You can say "oh, it's the run game and the defense", but it's really not. Even last season in the playoffs, we were winning at the half of the AFCC BECAUSE of Sanchez. Who cares if he throws 20 INTs in the regular season if he throws 0 in the postseason?

I don't care what ANYONE says, if Sanchez wins the SB this season, I see him as the next Tom Brady. BANK ON IT!

Now proceed to call me a homer even though I don't think ANY QB has EVER won 4 road playoff games within their first 2 seasons (correct me if I'm wrong). If he gets 6, it will make it even more amazing.

I agree. The kid is the real deal, we got our franchise QB.

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I don't care what ANYONE says, if Sanchez wins the SB this season, I see him as the next Tom Brady. BANK ON IT!

I think he'll just be the first Mark Sanchez.

Tom Brady is his own thing, and Mark isn't the same kind of QB. The Jake Plummer comparisons were close. I think he could be a smaller version of his opponent this week, showing the same kind of elusiveness and playmaking ability in the clutch.

I like the kid. He's young and still has a lot of growing to do in the position. He's been erratic, and has gone thru some long, ugly funks. But he shows up when the spotlight's shining on him the brightest. Can't ask for a better performance than the one he put together yesterday, and I won't be surprised at all if he has shoulder surgery as soon as his season's done, either.

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