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Gary Myers


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Rex Ryan's boasts about the Jets winning the Super Bowl reveal his insecurity about Giants

Gary Myers

Saturday, May 7th 2011, 5:21 PM

Rex Ryan and the Jets are the hot team in the Big Apple right now, but for the boastful coach to minimize the Giants' importance in this town is ridiculous.

Myers: Rex talks his way into discussion about NFL's best coaches

By my unofficial count, Rex Ryan guaranteed the Jets are going to win Super Bowl XLVI a mere 642 times last week, give or take a couple of hundred.

Ryan was relentless on two points on the book tour that just wouldn't end: The Jets are going to win the Super Bowl; and that he basically considers the Giants and their three Super Bowl championships - the last one just three years ago - a whole bunch of yesterday's news.

The lockout is a drag. Three days of the draft was a nice diversion, but we were reminded once again a week ago Friday night that this is an offseason where the attorneys are more important than the quarterbacks. The NFL was granted its temporary stay 47 minutes into the second round and the league announced that the lockout had returned at 11:04 p.m., a few minutes after the third round ended. That brought everybody back to reality.

So, Rex stepping up and being Rex at least kept the focus off the labor stuff, even if Rex sometimes tries way too hard to live up to being Rex.

Okay, we get it, Ryan thinks the Jets are better than the Giants right now and next year and on and on. That they are the big brother now and will stay that way. That since he's been in town the Jets have been to two AFC title games, which he says is better than not making the playoffs, which is exactly what the Giants have done.

By continually trying to assert that the Jets are the biggest show in town, it just reveals what an inferiority complex the Jets have when it comes to the Giants. Every time Ryan mentions the Giants, he reinforces the point.

The Giants and Jets played a bloody preseason game last summer - remember Eli Manning's got his forehead busted up and needed 12 stitches? They will meet again this summer, but they will save the real venom for the regular-season game on Christmas Eve. Let's just hope the game means something for both teams so we really can see which team is the big brother of 2011.

Ryan sounds ridiculous minimizing the Giants' importance in this town. They have been to four Super Bowls, winning three of them, since the Jets won their Super Bowl 42 years ago. This season will be the 25-year anniversary of the Giants' first Super Bowl and their victory over the Patriots three years ago was the biggest upset since the Jets beat the Colts in Super Bowl III.

The Jets, no doubt, are the hot team right now. Here are the records the last two years. Regular season: Jets 20-12. Giants 18-14. Playoffs: Jets 4-2. Giants 0-0. But it takes a championship to own this city and since Ryan has been the Jets' head coach, here is how many championships he has won: 0. Here is how many division titles he has won: 0.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/jets/2011/05/07/2011-05-07_rex_ryans_boasts_about_the_jets_winning_the_super_bowl_reveal_his_insecurity_abo.html#ixzz1LiMZa1cD

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myers and those dolts should worship the ground rex walks on

what else are they going to cover now ? the derby ? nascar ?

and gary, even bloggers know that if you are going to write an entire article on what a guy says, include at least one direct quote

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