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NFL May Expand Rosters


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As Lockout Goes On, N.F.L. May Expand Rosters


Published: May 25, 2011

INDIANAPOLIS — N.F.L. Commissioner Roger Goodell did not rule out the possibility Wednesday of expanding rosters if training camps and preseason games are cut short or eliminated by the N.F.L.’s labor stalemate.

The Fifth Down

Owners ended their spring meeting with the lockout in its third month, and oral arguments in the N.F.L.’s appeal of the injunction that would lift the lockout are scheduled for June 3. Goodell said the N.F.L. had “contingency plans for our contingency plans” for how the league would proceed.

Expanding rosters would give coaches extra time to evaluate rookies, many of whom have not yet received playbooks, because they would not have to make as many cuts after a relatively brief period.

Goodell would not put a date on when training camps, which usually begin around Aug. 1, or games might be canceled, but he said the time was drawing closer. The regular season is scheduled to start Sept. 8 in Green Bay.

“That time is coming,” Goodell said. “We’re getting close enough now where those will have to be considerations.”

While the Colts’ owner, Jim Irsay, said during the meetings that he thought a deal with players must be done by July 4 to preserve training camps and preseason games, that date seemed unlikely. With a delay of the injunction in place, the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals is likely to take several weeks, until late June at least, before ruling on the appeal.

If players win the appeal and the injunction is upheld, the N.F.L. will almost certainly have to open its doors for business. If the league prevails — the Eighth Circuit’s ruling on the stay contained language indicating it favors the league’s arguments against the injunction — the lockout will remain in place, putting pressure on players to begin talks so that the season and their paychecks can arrive on time.

But the uncertainty of when — or if — players might be willing to start negotiating in earnest concerns some owners. John Mara, the president of the Giants, said he was confident that the Super Bowl scheduled for February in Indianapolis would be played, because eventually a deal would be done. But he added that he could not say when a deal would be done, and when asked if he expected there to be a full 16-game regular season that starts on time, Mara responded, “Let’s hope so.”

Mediated talks in Minneapolis have produced no progress, and the most recent offer owners made to players was less than the offer on the table March 11, when players dissolved their union and the league locked them out. That is a result, the league said, of the revenue lost since the lockout began.

The labor strife has clearly had an effect on fan interest, Goodell said. Traffic on NFL.com is down, he said. And Goodell said the college draft last month drew four million fewer viewers than last year, a drop he called a “pretty significant decrease.” But Goodell said there are no plans to change the television blackout rules, despite ticket sales that could lag without a settlement.


The National Football League Coaches Association — an organization that represents assistant coaches — filed an amicus brief on behalf of players Wednesday, asking the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals to affirm the injunction that would lift the lockout. The coaches association, which is not a union, has had a long-standing relationship with the players association, and shares offices with it. No coaches signed the brief.

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Expanded rosters are part of the NFL's plan for an enhanced 18 game regular season. Giving an additional 100 or so players jobs this year would be a first step in getting that implemented. Once those jobs are handed out, the players won't want them taken back. Big difference between the last man on the roster's pay, and a guy on the practice squad.

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Expanded rosters are part of the NFL's plan for an enhanced 18 game regular season. Giving an additional 100 or so players jobs this year would be a first step in getting that implemented. Once those jobs are handed out, the players won't want them taken back. Big difference between the last man on the roster's pay, and a guy on the practice squad.

Your right

There may even be more to this than what you stated. Suppose the NFL goes with a 60 man roster. At some point the NFLPA decides to re-certify. An election will have to be held by the players more then likely. At that time the NFL announces that it is reducing rosters to 45 men, and I don't think the courts can stop them from doing that, and makes it clear only if the current leadership is reelected. 25% of the league will lose it's jobs. Wonder how that will affect Smith being reelected?

Just a thought

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