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lockout ends today possibly


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This can not end until they seek the courts to resolve the "Lockout" & the "Brady Vs NFL" anti-trust suit...

Owners,players reach agreement on economics of labor deal

By Albert Breer NFL Network

NFL Network Reporter

Published: July15, 2011 at 11:34 a.m.

Updated: July 15,2011 at 01:47 p.m.

The parties closed in on an agreement on therookie compensation system Thursday, the single biggest benchmark of progressover the last two weeks of talks. A lot of details remain, though it's hard toenvision those left standing in the way of a labor deal.

The sides arrived for Friday's negotiations at9 a.m., with an eye on building off momentum gathered during Thursday'smarathon session. The date -- July 15 -- is significant because it's aninternal deadline to save the preseason in its normal form that has sat formonths. With the league's objective of presenting the full ownership group acompleted proposal in Atlanta next Thursday, that deadline might be flexible,but the urgency has been turned up.

The plan is for talks to continue to chip awayat some of the remaining issues throughout the meeting Friday, then work viaconference call over the weekend before owners and players reconvene for theirscheduled mediation before U.S. Magistrate Judge Arthur Boylan in Minnesota onTuesday, sources with knowledge of the situation told NFL Network insider JasonLa Canfora.

While the institution of rookie compensationsystem is a concession in itself, the players' side gave a little more inallowing some rules preventing the renegotiation of draft picks' deals untilafter three years. The owners' concessions came on the price tag for thefifth-year option for first-round picks, which the players want paid at the topof the market.

With that hurdle cleared, two sources said,"We're not there yet," on Thursday night, and one referred to theremaining issues as "real stumbling blocks."

The remaining issues between the owners andplayers are being dealt with collectively, according to an involved source. Theprocess isn't linear, and the parties aren't simply checking items off a list,with each issue affecting others.

Primary among the unresolved problems are theLegacy Fund (retirees benefits), player safety, the appeals process for playerdiscipline, worker's compensation and injury guarantees in contracts. Litigationentanglements also must be addressed.

The parties must work on language to settlethe Brady antitrust suit and any plaintiff damages, as well as address thelooming decision by Judge David Doty in the television rights fee case. And nodeal can be complete until the owners and players address the issue of whethernow, and how, the NFL Players Association re-constitutes as a labor union.

But the major tenets of the deal are in place.Whether the full terms in principle are completed this weekend or next week,there's a prevailing sense from both parties that the sides are finally nearingan agreement.

Just as the owners need to vote on anagreement, the players do as well. It's a point that NFL Players Associationexecutive director DeMaurice Smith made upon his arrival to Friday's meeting.

"I know our fans are frustrated and wantto get it done," Smith said. "We'll get everything to the playerswhen the time is right."

Based on Thursday's progress, which followed atough Wednesday between players and owners and two difficult negotiation daysthe previous week, there is a feeling that the owners' goal of a July 21 voteis increasingly realistic.With that push as the backdrop, the leaguegroup grew by one Friday with the arrival of Cincinnati Bengals owner Mike Brown. The league laborcommittee now has nine of 10 members present, with co-chair Pat Bowlen of the DenverBroncos still in Hawaii on Thursday. Bowlen was trying to arrange to reachNew York and has been participating via conference call.

The players' group also grew by one, with HoustonTexans offense tackle Eric Winston joining.

The owners and players put several issues tobed Thursday before breaking for the night, according to sources with directknowledge of the talks. Those issues included re-addressing the commissioner'spower via discipline. A panel of former judges will oversee special master andother decisions, but specifically how commissioner discipline issues areappealed hasn't yet been resolved, though it's "trending" toward adecision, sources said.

Salary-cap details also became clear. The 2011projected cap will be roughly $123 million, according to sources, but as apractical matter will "feel" more like $130 million to teams when capcredits and new cap exceptions are factored. Teams will have to spend, in cash,90 percent to the cap minimum and league-wide spending will be pegged at 99percent to the cap.

Follow Albert Breer on Twitter @AlbertBreer

Look more of a July 21-22, 2011 tentative ending...

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