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2 things that bother me


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Meh, I'm not sure he's as big a shmuck as he seems. Just a bit of an odd delivery. If it is meant to be insulting then I think his posts are pure fail. If your gonna try to belittle someone, don't come off as a jackass...the belittling backfires bigtime. Which is why i don't engage in troll-bashing. They can look foolish all by themselves. In the meantime, I have no hard feelings against the guy, he's just trying a bit too hard right now. If he's an a$$, then time will bear that out. If he's not, then maybe we'll adjust to his manner of commentary once his personality becomes more clear. Either way if you guys get into a fistfight, I'll totally root for you while standing behind Crusher and Max.

I appreciate the levelheaded response.

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I appreciate the levelheaded response.

Perhaps I misunderstood your intent early on. If so, my bad.

But the gay avatar and star trek moniker stay. If the sight is painful, just cringe and drink a lot like my family does.

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It would seem there are situations where the two are diametrically opposed to one another. In other words, if a topless woman was standing by the roadside, wouldn't rubbernecking be a foregone conclusion?

and snarky innerweb posters who try to hard :P

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I never got to say what bothers me. 'The definition of insanity'.

Every van-by-the-river inspiration peddler opens with that stupid line.

Doing things over and over is the definition of 'repetition'.

The definition of insanity is...insanity. Talking to invisible people. Adults wearing diapers. Mowing the lawn with your teeth.

Another thing that annoys me is chiropractors. Every person in my family has been getting 'cured' by one 2x a week for YEARS. Maybe you feel better because you're sitting on a thinner wallet. And some of them think every ailment of man is curable by a back-cracking session. I'd love to see someone go in there with an enlarged prostate and demand treatment.

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I never got to say what bothers me. 'The definition of insanity'.

Every van-by-the-river inspiration peddler opens with that stupid line.

Doing things over and over is the definition of 'repetition'.

The definition of insanity is...insanity. Talking to invisible people. Adults wearing diapers. Mowing the lawn with your teeth.

Another thing that annoys me is chiropractors. Every person in my family has been getting 'cured' by one 2x a week for YEARS. Maybe you feel better because you're sitting on a thinner wallet. And some of them think every ailment of man is curable by a back-cracking session. I'd love to see someone go in there with an enlarged prostate and demand treatment.

Awesome! Chiro-*******-practors! Complete horsesh*t! Bothers me too. I went to one with a really bad back and he took x-rays and said I needed an aggressive adjustment. Went back twice more on his orders and I was nearly crippled. Went to an orthapedic surgeon and he said I had a massively herniated disc between L4 and L5 and that if I didn't get immediate surgery, I would likely end up with permanent nerve damage in my right leg. Needlees to say I did not return for any more "aggressive adjustments". Freaking quacks.

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Be careful of doctors too. Mine just asked me if I had "Angina". I'm like 'dude, I've been a boy as long as I can remember'. Why the hell would he ask that? I went in there with chest pain. Idiots.

You're having chest pains? Hysterical! Jerry K you crack me up! Crippling chest pains. Man what the hell. that shiot is comedy gold!

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#1. Cursive. Really? They're still teaching 3rd graders to write in cursive? What the **** for? Wouldn't typing be a more useful skill nowadays? No!!! My kid has to take all his spelling tests in cursive because connecting his letters with swirls and loops will be so important in the future. Cursive sucks. And if you're over the age of 10 and you write in cursive--you suck. Big time.

#2. Achoo! Bless you. Thank you. I mean seriously people. Why the eff are we blessing people who sneeze? The bubonic plague isn't really an issue nowadays and small pox is kind of, you know, out. So it's about the most senseless tradition I can think of, especially during allergy season. Achoo! Bless you. Thank you. Why do I have to thank someone for blessing me? I'm not even religious. But just try and get away without the Thank You and you are total scum! Even worse...try standing within arms length of a sneezer and not giving them your blessing. They look at you like you just pissed in their coffee. And, exactly how close do you have to be to make the Bless You mandatory. I'm thinking three to five feet. Ten feet and beyond should make you exempt. Also, are you exempt if a really zealous blesser gets to the sneezer before you do? Or should you layer an extra Bless You on top? And if you do, do you get your own thank you, or do you have to share it with the blesser who jumped your sneezer? Achoo! Go **** yourself. In cursive.

geez and here i thought it was your unrequited love for me.. ;)

i write so infrequently.. i sometimes forget how.. ha!

my handwriting would get me an F- in 2nd grade nowadays. OY!

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I don't understand WD-40.

Was WD-39 really that bad? How does 'slippery' take 40 tries? I might have considered boogers and banana peels, but I'd have been to oil by about WD-5.

In grade school, they made us sing "Rocka my soul in the bosom of Abraham". I've never actually seen a 900 year old man's bosom, but I'm pretty sure I don't want to rock my soul there.

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I hate when people point at their wrist when asking me for the time.

I know where my watch is.

I don't point at my crotch when I as you where the bathroom is.

Pulled along side a teenage girl to tell her her tire was going flat, so I try to get her to roll down her window by doing the universal "roll down your window" circular hand gesture--you know, where you pretend to hold the window knob and crank your arm in a backward motion. She looked at me totally perplexed and even a little scared. Then I realized that most kids under twenty have never actually "cranked" a window down. They all have power windows now. I guess I looked like I was cranking one out instead. I left.

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