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So Cowher and the Steelers quit last night?

Cant Hackett

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The Steelers at the end of the Colts game ran the clock out, just as the Jets did in Carolina. There nothing wrong in getting a game like that over ASAP. Herm and the Jets took a lot of heat on this board over that. Don't get me wrong, Herm Sucks, but he didn't deserve the crap this board gave him for running out the clock. Give Herm some credit, finally some proper clock management.

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The Steelers at the end of the Colts game ran the clock out, just as the Jets did in Carolina. There nothing wrong in getting a game like that over ASAP. Herm and the Jets took a lot of heat on this board over that. Don't get me wrong, Herm Sucks, but he didn't deserve the crap this board gave him for running out the clock. Give Herm some credit, finally some proper clock management.

nah, game over, why showwrinkles in offense that wont help in this game anyways. save it forwhen they meet in playoffs..

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Also, Especially when you announce before the game that you are "thinking about using a onsides kick on the opening kick off"

did he announce that to national media, or was that just to Madden in pregame talk that is always off the record and they dont use till last second??

big difference.

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