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JetNation Sits Down With Terrell Owens


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By René Murray

GQ and Park & Bond partnered for a Sunday afternoon football and retail experience at a pop up shop at their West Side location. This unique event gave fans of fashion and football a unique chance to not only peruse the “GQ Selects” merchandize but also watch the Kansas City Chiefs vs. The New York Jets game with free agent Wide Receiver Terrell Owens.

The event boasted a relaxed atmosphere with complimentary cocktails, beer and sliders and a variety of large screen TV’s all broadcasting the Jets game. It also served as a unique opportunity to watch the game with a player, and pick his brain as to the nuances of the game we as fans don’t normally see.

I was lucky enough to have one on one time with Terrell Owens and get some insight into not only his NFL playing future but his thoughts on Rex Ryan as well as the 2011 New York Jets.

How would you like to play for an outspoken, players coach like Rex Ryan?

T.O.  - “ I think our personalities are similar. The players tend to gravitate towards him. Him being a players coach helps a lot. I’d definitely love to play for Rex.”

Are you in 100% football shape right now?

T.O.  - “ IM definitely in football shape. Ive been working out, training hard, just waiting for a team to give me a call. Whenever I do get a call I’ll be ready to go.”

Any thoughts on the 2011 New York Jets?

T.O.  - “Not really, I have been watching casually as more of a fan. It does feel weird on Sundays that I’m not on the field. I don’t really rush to the TV on Sundays to watch football. The Jets are a good team though and are well coached by Rex Ryan.”



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Great job René. Really asked the important questions there. Very good interview. Unlike Max, whose interviews always read like that Chris Farley character that just keeps repeating "Remember when you did that thing?"

I agree DLJ did an awesome job! Thank you so much for going and covering this for JetNation. Do you want to be the new JN sideline reporter? :)

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