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Relax on Sanchez, look at Namath's best year.


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Any of those guys in bold will sit behind sanchez as he'll be the defacto starter...

I also believe with a full camp and some attention paid towards surrounding him with an elite team again, we'll be able to successful hide his flaws for most of the season

Plus we play the NFC west, so there's 3 gimme games right there.. I think it's Manning or Sanchez next year

Thats fine, but I still think you bring them in as competition. And quite frankly, if one of them look better, you play them. However, the reality is, much to my dislike, Mark Sanchez will be the QB of the New York Jets next season.

My hope is, that Sparano and Haley or whoever are being brought into finally implement an offense that makes sense. Not one that is a$$ backwards. And one that is in line with Rex's brand of Football. I'm hoping we finally are going to compliment ground and pound with a vertical passing game.

Its essentially right out of the Parcells school of Football. Sparano, Peyton, Parcells were all part of that 2 headed run game/vertical attack in Dallas when they both were offensive coaches. Spranano actually replaced Peyton as the Asst. HC. Haley was on that in group as well.

I like the brand of Football. Just scared about Sanchez executing it.

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Thats fine, but I still think you bring them in as competition. And quite frankly, if one of them look better, you play them. However, the reality is, much to my dislike, Mark Sanchez will be the QB of the New York Jets next season.

My hope is, that Sparano and Haley or whoever are being brought into finally implement an offense that makes sense. Not one that is a$$ backwards. And one that is in line with Rex's brand of Football. I'm hoping we finally are going to compliment ground and pound with a vertical passing game.

Its essentially right out of the Parcells school of Football. Sparano, Peyton, Parcells were all part of that 2 headed run game/vertical attack in Dallas when they both were offensive coaches. Spranano actually replaced Peyton as the Asst. HC. Haley was on that in group as well.

I like the brand of Football. Just scared about Sanchez executing it.

I've been advocating coreyll offense since sanchez got here. I may troll the anti schotty boobs, but back when I was more serious about chatting football on the sites that was my opinion. Running an offense filled with short stuff does help his completion %, get him in a rhythm, gain him some confidence, yadayadayada, but it does compress the defense down and chokes the running game specifically and offense in it's entirety

I'm not convinced that's what these guys are going to bring us, but if they do, I'm all for it. With the proliferation of holding and PI calls, I honestly don't know why an offense doesn't go deep 3-5 times a game every game. It keeps the defense honest and spreads them out, giving more room to work Sanchez also doesn't throw a bad deep ball tbh

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I've been advocating coreyll offense since sanchez got here. I may troll the anti schotty boobs, but back when I was more serious about chatting football on the sites that was my opinion. Running an offense filled with short stuff does help his completion %, get him in a rhythm, gain him some confidence, yadayadayada, but it does compress the defense down and chokes the running game specifically and offense in it's entirety

I'm not convinced that's what these guys are going to bring us, but if they do, I'm all for it. With the proliferation of holding and PI calls, I honestly don't know why an offense doesn't go deep 3-5 times a game every game. It keeps the defense honest and spreads them out, giving more room to work Sanchez also doesn't throw a bad deep ball tbh

Agreed 100%. Cant make it that easy on a defense. Especially with how inaccurate Sanchez is...you only make them guard between the hash marks its easy to stay with the WR and the way Sanchez misses, its pick mania. Then just run blitz all game long and its over for the kid. lol

Got to go deep if you want to pound the rock. Just look at what Denver did vs. the Steelers.

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What I like after 'unnamed sources' dog Sanchez, people (Mangold) and others (D. Woodey) are sticking up for him.

Now those two guys I respect.

Santonio Holmes saying he wants Peyton (Just guessing here) and staying nameless, hell, I don't even take that serious.

How many balls did Dustin Keller have bounce off his head or hands.

Santonio was jogging half the year.

Plex looked tired after 8 yards of running.

S. Greene... I like him, but he gets stopped to easily for his size.

So, let's get off the stat comparison.

Wins and losses.

We have had talented defenses in the past and went 6-10.

We have had talented offenses in the past and went 6-10.

Don't care if people say it was the defense or the run game that got us to the AFC Champ Game... we had those talent before and didn't make it anywhere for a decade.

Anybody remember when H. Edwards would consider 9 points a scoring bananza?? Never took victory in the Playoffs serious with him in charge.

Young gun walks in, doesn't understand the Jets Curse, and has the Gall to lead us to 2 AFC Championships because he doesn't know as a NYJ QB, that is not allowed. Doesn't he understand Jets fans are all about The Draft and Wait til Next Year.

Man he should read the history.

Why do you think Belechek said 'Hell N0' to coaching in NYC. He would have lost in job after Year 3. He doesn't have the personality for NY. They eat their young.

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Agreed 100%. Cant make it that easy on a defense. Especially with how inaccurate Sanchez is...you only make them guard between the hash marks its easy to stay with the WR and the way Sanchez misses, its pick mania. Then just run blitz all game long and its over for the kid. lol

Got to go deep if you want to pound the rock. Just look at what Denver did vs. the Steelers.

of course the other advantage is that when he gets picked off it'll likely be 30-40 yards down field, which is kinda like a punt anyway.. better teach our WR's to tackle

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And thats his fault? Yeah, he put out that hype right. And wtf with this "regressed" word being thrown around all the time. Atleast get a different word. Im getting so tired of seeing it especially since he hasnt regressed.

Sanchez is the 5th QB in NFL history to record 30 wins his first 3 seasons. His attempts have gone up every year, his completions have gone up every year, his completion % has gone up every year, his TD's have gone up every year, he's fumbled less every year though he was hit the most this year, he hasnt matched his all time high in INTs, his QB rating has gone up every year, his total yards have gone up every year and he's played in every game except one which was in his rookie year. He's not the clown here.

And as for his mistakes he's been dealing with the same coordinator that has also been making the same stupid mistakes since 06' so im not surprised. He's gone now so lets see if we can get Haley in to run the passing game and we'll see what your qb is made of. All that "dont let the stats fool you" is a cop out because stats never seem to matter when you're trying to make a point contrary to them.

Like I said, find another word.

You want me to find another word? He ******* sucks. He's inconsistent, he makes horrible decision making, horrible accuracy, doesn't hold the ball with two hands, still stares down receivers after 3 years.

You think opposing defenses fear this guy? I want Sanchez to be the guy but it's clear that he can't. He has the work ethic and he knows what to say to this New York media, but he still hasn't progressed the way we expected him too.

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