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MSG Network reporting Benson for Julio - unconfirmed


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Mets GM Omar Minaya's busy offseason continues: MSG Network has learned the Amazins have dealt Kris Benson to Baltimore for reliever Jorge Julio.

Interesting move to say the least. Gets rid of an extra starter, cuts payroll.

One can only hope this is a prelude to another move of some sort.


Cuts 5 million in payroll.

Provides a middle reliever at 2.5 million in a year where the market could be even higher.

Benson is a pretty average #3.


Have to follow up with getting another starter. Pedro, Glavine, Trax, Seo and Zambrano...bleh. Vasquez or Zito?

Could mean bye bye to Heilman and Milledge for Zito

Anna Benson is hot.

Random observation:

Julio's ERA has climbed the last three years, but his BB/9 innings have dropped, and his HR/9 innings rose. Coming to Shea may cut down on the HRs (the park factors everyone loves pointing out). His road ERA was two whole points lower than his home ERA the past 4 years. Opponents hit .225 against him on the road from 2002-2004

He could be a perfect example of needing a change of scenery to become a decent middle reliever again. He is only a few yrs away from that awesome season he had, and he's relatively young.

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Heilmann is a guy they just keep discounting when he's been very effective in what ever role they throw at him-long guy, setup, spot starter, even closer. I don't get it-they treat a guy who knows how to pitch like he's got an STD or Felix Heredia. Did he piss in Fred Wilpon's cheerios or something?

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Great idea. Trade a fairly young, fairly talented starting pitcher who has had some success for a bad reliever.

Omar hates America.

The deal, which now sounds dead is obviously a attempt to free up cash for a Zito, Vasquez or Manny trade. If they did that and Julio returned to the form he showed a few years ago it would be a great move.

Same as the Cameon move which I hated but it did free up cash that helped sign Wagner.

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