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Jets never read Tebow contract.


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1. Tannenbaum and Denver agree in principle (verbal agreement).

2. Jets official Twitter and Facebook announce deal for Tebow.

3. Denver receives trade papers--written agreement. Trade papers specify no $5 mil clause will be honored.

4. Broncos refuse, release statement saying "Jets did not read contract." Deal is on the rocks.

5. Jacksonville allegedly in play.

6. Tannenbaum yields $2.5 mil.

This is all fact. Tannenbaum basically said so this morning. Good luck with your homerific interpretation.

grown ups call that doing business, and technically speaking the trade is still up in the air as tebow has not passed his physical. every trade is contingent on details getting worked out. tanny had the confidence to make the announcment based on the dozens of trades he's made. "trader mike" probably knows more about trades than any current NFL GM

you left out the part where he said they reviewed the contract several times, and specifically addressed the salary advances, which is the point of this thread

the broncos tried to put the screws to tannebaum with the bogus statement they released, and he WON by getting them to come down on the $$, calling their bluff on the whole jags deal

any rational person sees that

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grown ups call that doing business, and technically speaking the trade is still up in the air as tebow has not passed his physical. every trade is contingent on details getting worked out. tanny had the confidence to make the announcment based on the dozens of trades he's made. "trader mike" probably knows more about trades than any current NFL GM

you left out the part where he said they reviewed the contract several times, and specifically addressed the salary advances, which is the point of this thread

the broncos tried to put the screws to tannebaum with the bogus statement they released, and he WON by getting them to come down on the $$, calling their bluff on the whole jags deal

any rational person sees that

$2.5 mil isn't "the screws"?

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Yeah, someone always gets robbed.

Guess who?

the guy who gets $600 in cash for something from his attic ? if you want retail price, sell it on line. cash is king

I love the haggling. I can almost guess within $25 what rick's opening position will be. the #1 rule is always underlined, never give the first number, and the good sellers wait for rick to give a # and then they respond and they usually meet in the middle

the old man is a prick, I would never do business with him

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the guy who gets $600 in cash for something from his attic ? if you want retail price, sell it on line. cash is king

I love the haggling. I can almost guess within $25 what rick's opening position will be. the #1 rule is always underlined, never give the first number, and the good sellers wait for rick to give a # and then they respond and they usually meet in the middle

the old man is a prick, I would never do business with him

I hope we hire him as GM! :)

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no, they met in the middle

ever watch "pawn stars?" you should check it out, you might learn something

Enlighten me: when the guy on Pawn Stars is halfway through negotiations, does he turn to the cameras and scream "YO, I JUST GOT THIS sh*t FOR FREE"?

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