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Q & A With Bart Scott


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Jets summer Q&A with linebacker Bart Scott

Published: Monday, July 02, 2012, 10:00 AM

3492.png By Jenny Vrentas/The Star-Ledger


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11257195-large.jpgJohn O'Boyle / The Star-LedgerJets linebacker Bart Scott says the 2012 Jets won't have a "sense of entitlement."

We'll continue the summer Q&A series with a player who has a lot riding on this season: linebacker Bart Scott. One of the original building blocks of Rex Ryan's Jets, he's coming off a season that was disappointing personally and for the team. But he's dropped weight, at least one of his teammates has said Scott has his passion back -- and the 11-year veteran has his eye on helping the team get back to the playoffs.

What are your plans for the break?

This is training time for me. I don’t do anything. I’ve taken my vacations already. I’ve been to Paris. I’ve been to the Bahamas twice. I’m done. It’s grind. This is where I catch everybody; this is where I make my big leap, is now. When everybody else maybe takes two weeks off, I’ll go right to it.

What will we see from the defense this year?

It’s all about playing faster and playing and going and not just reacting all the time. Go in there, and we put the pressure on people. Like we did our first year. We came out, we blitzed, we didn’t care. You pick it up or you didn’t pick it up. Somebody swings, so what? We’re going to hit your quarterback. The second year, it’s like, we’ll come off. If a guy swings, you come off your blitz and stuff like that. Then what happens is it becomes a three-man rush, a defense that was supposed to be an aggressive defense turns into a passive one, and gives the quarterback more time.

What will be the biggest difference between the 2012 Jets and the 2011 Jets?

Not a sense of entitlement. Understanding how hard it is in this game, and how blessed we were to be where we were (in back-to-back AFC Championship Games). And how hungry we are to get back there, and be able to prove the doubters wrong. They have an opinion of us, and sometimes perception is reality. But it doesn’t make the perception the truth.

Do you have personal goals for the season?

Just get better. Continue and play at a high level, make plays and help this team have a great year.

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Thats quite an extensive interview, thanks for posting flgreen ;-).

Nah, for realz, its nice to hear there will be an emphasis on getting after the QB.

Agreed. It honestly sounds to me like the Jets, from Rex all the way down, were humbled by last season. Not humiliated like the reporters tried to make it seem, but humbled in the way that makes you want to work harder and become a btter team. That's how it feels to me. Adding Coples and Hill. Dropping Plax and Schott. LT retiring etc. All big moves with the humble attitude. Humble for us will be different than humble for say.... the Colts or something, but I think we learned a lot from last season's crap. I'm happy right about now with what I'm hearing.

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Why have you sucked in big games?

Will you ever back up your bullsheet?

Would you call your complete lack of production in 2011 coupled with your big ass salary "stealing"?

Has anyone told you to shut the f___ up until you actually do something in an NFL game?

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