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Despite 0-4 Preseason Record, Jets’ Rex Brimming With Confidence


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Sanchez never really targeted Braylon in the redzone. The times he did, it usually worked. It did in that first Pats game twice.

I mean, you'd have to think there was more to it than that. Beyond just "not looking his way". It work against the Pats, and maybe it will work with Hill, but I think Jets fans really undervalued what Plax actually did do for this team, mostly because of all the negatives that came with him.

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Meh, he only had 1 more TD than Braylon's last season. How many of those came from the Red Zone or not, I dont know...but they did the same thing more or less.

I agree Plax helped in the Red Zone. No doubt. So did Tom Moore, REMEMBER!!!


I suppose we'll see. Hopefully we have more than the WR equivalent of Sanchez in Hill (not a lot of college production) and it's a non issue.

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I suppose we'll see. Hopefully we have more than the WR equivalent of Sanchez in Hill (not a lot of college production) and it's a non issue.

Hill doesnt instill a ton of confidence in me. He looks goofy out there.

I'm liking freaking out with excitement because I <3 Football so much and then I sit back and think about the season and cant help but feel for 2 years in a row, both my favorite Football teams are going to have a really hard to watch offense and it kind of deflates my excitement. lol

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See, I've never thought that preseason play is all that meaningless. Wins and losses obviously are, because the team isn't game-planning specifically and top lines do not play all game. But, I think plays and execution do tell us something. Thus far, that our defense, especially our newly revamped defensive line and secondary will be strengths probably not just for the Jets, but in relation to the league and that our offense is probably still going to struggle... Maybe not as bad, but is anyone expecting us to be in the top third even in the league in offense this year? I certainly don't. Perhaps none of these are 'bold conclusions', but they are in line with the idea that execution and game play within the preseason is somewhat relevant.

You may not remember the preseason where the Jets went 5-0 and looked like orld beaters only to flop in the reglar season. Take these games with a grain of salt.

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You may not remember the preseason where the Jets went 5-0 and looked like orld beaters only to flop in the reglar season. Take these games with a grain of salt.

Taken with a grain of salt and completely ignored are separate constructs.

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I mean, you'd have to think there was more to it than that. Beyond just "not looking his way". It work against the Pats, and maybe it will work with Hill, but I think Jets fans really undervalued what Plax actually did do for this team, mostly because of all the negatives that came with him.

Well I think the thing with Plax, forgetting even all of the crap that came along with him, was the fact that while he was certainly a benefit to have in the red zone (after all, there's a reason why every WR the Jets had in camp this year outside of Holmes and Kerley were 6'+), he was so unbelievably slow that he was completely useless between the 20s. I would agree he definitely helped the Jets down there last season, but he's hardly what made the Jets offense tick either, so I'm not expecting to see any profound impact by his departure.

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