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Good start against a bad team


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Ive always said, good teams beat the bad teams. Throughout my life, Ive watched the best teams feed off the bottom feeders. The yankees of the 90's fed off the orioles and blue jays. The niners of the 80's fed off the seahawks, rams and cardinals. The Patriots always seem to have the easiest schedule in the league, and they always beat the teams they're suppose to beat. So, just because the Bills are a bad team doesn't mean Jets fans should feel that this win is any less important than a win against any other team. The Jets laid a beat-down on the Bills, and I for one am excited over it. If you want to be a playoff team, you have to beat the teams that you're better than. And that is exactly what the Jets did today.

J - E - T - S, Jets, Jets, Jets!

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Jets are most scary when everyone picks them to lose and they are at their worst when all pick them to Win , been with this team since early 70's i should know ... but solid win today the Jets could of lost and all the fans would be jumping off the wagon..now the fly by nights will be jumpiong back on instead... lets see what happens next week in Pitt and then we can see what type of season this will be

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Ive always said, good teams beat the bad teams. Throughout my life, Ive watched the best teams feed off the bottom feeders. The yankees of the 90's fed off the orioles and blue jays. The niners of the 80's fed off the seahawks, rams and cardinals. The Patriots always seem to have the easiest schedule in the league, and they always beat the teams they're suppose to beat. So, just because the Bills are a bad team doesn't mean Jets fans should feel that this win is any less important than a win against any other team. The Jets laid a beat-down on the Bills, and I for one am excited over it. If you want to be a playoff team, you have to beat the teams that you're better than. And that is exactly what the Jets did today.

J - E - T - S, Jets, Jets, Jets!

Agree with your premise...we should get four easy wins in the division...plus a two good matchups with New England...should break even...on a side note...SF never fought through Seattle or Arizona in the NFC West in the 80s...the division included New Orleans, Atlanta Falcons and the LA Rams.

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Don't make the mistake of generalizing off of one game.

Buffalo is NOT a bad team.

They just got outplayed today.

Nah, Buffalo is pretty bad. Fitz is Pennington-esque against good defenses, there's no one on the outside except Johnson, and their defense sucks.

I will agree that they got outplayed pretty bad.

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