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Vick Dogged it Out There Today

Gen X Jet

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Vick's body language has been telling all year. He's been disgusted from day one when he realized he'd be the back up regardless of outplaying Geno in preseason. 

He was promised a chance to compete and the rug was pulled out from under him.   He has been reluctant to do anything meaningful when he's been put in because

he refuses to be a gimmick QB.  He knew after Geno was given the reigns early that he would probably not play unless something disastrous happens this year.   

Now  everyone knows the season is lost and Vick could care less if he plays or not, if he wins or not.  He has no desire, impetus or spirit to play for this team at this juncture. 

Rex waited to long to pull Geno. Its all futile at this point.  If anything, Vick is playing like  'See I told ya - ya shoulda put me in when I had a chance to turn this around.

Now its too late so what the difference'.  

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