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Lizard King

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Honestly, the longer Spoot is AWOL the more I think he's deflated scum vs disinterested townie. And as a townie why get disinterested when we're doing so well? Even if he was wrong about Ballin, he should be stoked. 

Maybe I made a mistake taking his excitement as a positive thing. Perhaps he just got excited that he could actually save a teammate... and when that fell flat he just gave up. I dunno. I get that he's feeling unwell, but I've been feeling like sh*t for days and still try to be here. His last post indicated he was gonna take a nap and it was like 16 hours ago.

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2 hours ago, Nynaeve said:

I feel kinda iffy about the claim personally. But I guess he's tied to it now. So at best he just earned himself a day.


I like the claim it's easily vetted and allows us to quickly narrow down the pool

there is no reason that it should be blocked with a dead role blocker 


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Just now, CTM said:

I like the claim it's easily vetted and allows us to quickly narrow down the pool

there is no reason that it should be blocked with a dead role blocker 

Pretty much. That's the only reason I'm backing off.

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On 2/29/2016 at 9:53 PM, Integrity28 said:




lol, awful... unvote

I'm just trying to get my wheels turning a bit, there's no reason to reveal there. Horrible play. You've got to be able to sustain a little bit of poking around for **** sake.


On 2/29/2016 at 9:54 PM, Jetsfan80 said:

You scum?


On 2/29/2016 at 9:55 PM, Spoot-Face said:



On 2/29/2016 at 9:57 PM, Integrity28 said:


Good grief. This game needed me more than I realized... wtf is this make believe scum hunting crap?

Vote 80


Ape gets off me after I claim... 4 minutes later he's on 80 right after he puts some attention on Spoot.

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1 minute ago, Nynaeve said:





Ape gets off me after I claim... 4 minutes later he's on 80 right after he puts some attention on Spoot.

I had voted spoot earlier on day 1 and I believe you and Brett agreed, did ape defend then?

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I did agree about Spoot. He was around when Brett and I were having a.... disagreement.... and the game was in serious turf... and he was still dicking around instead of playing. I'm gonna have to check what Ape was doing. Not sure. Give me a bit.

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On 2/26/2016 at 10:25 PM, Spoot-Face said:

It's gotten feisty in here:



And no, I'm not being helpful in the slightest.

This he posted after Brett FoSed me for pointing out Lily's change of stance and we had quite a few back and forth. Game was already clearly in serious mode and he kept playing with his dick.


On 2/26/2016 at 11:02 PM, Integrity28 said:

It makes it unplayable. 

I love joking around, but when the game becomes nothing but "let's do the stupidest thing possible" constantly, then it removes the "logic puzzle", which is the primary draw to the game for me. 

I'm not going to lie, I'm completely disinterested in this game right now. My work stuff is done, I'll try and get into it... but I'm going away this weekend.

While Spoot is getting some attention from CTM, Ape is basically going after Brett.... and at the same time encouraging CTM's suspicion on JiF. I didn't quote the encouraging suspicion on JiF posts cause I have too many quoted posts here... but feel free to look it up. It's all there.


On 2/26/2016 at 11:06 PM, CTM said:

Nyn going after Lily did seem scummy, but I remember i cased her on thsi once before and she ended up town. Meta'd

Didn't really mean to quote this but it won't let me delete it  LOL.... so I can just mock CTM again for the above :P 


On 2/26/2016 at 11:09 PM, CTM said:

vote Spoot


On 2/26/2016 at 11:18 PM, Integrity28 said:

Vote Brett

Don't care about your alignment. If we're just going to do stupid things to try and annoy people, then I think it goes without saying I'll be the best at that too.

A bit after CTM starts to pressure Spoot, Ape is adding to Brett's train. Puts him at 4 votes (ie L-3). So while no, there isn't a direct defense here... I think between encouraging Brett's train and also encouraging CTM's suspicion on JiF... he could be trying to put attention elsewhere.


On 2/26/2016 at 11:20 PM, Nynaeve said:

I don't hate this vote. I feel like he might be over compensating with humor to avoid addressing anything. Even when he just had a chance to address game related content (irt me and Brett), he avoided it.....

My opinion on CTM's vote


On 2/26/2016 at 11:52 PM, StraightCash said:

vote Spoot

i like this one. I've seen him lurking since deadline announcement but he's been surprisingly quiet 

Brett adds a second vote on Spoot.


On 2/26/2016 at 0:37 AM, Lizard King said:

Deadline canceled!

At this point Lizzie cancels the deadline. I thought it was important to point out for timing purposes. Things are different when you have an impending deadline.


On 2/26/2016 at 1:54 AM, Spoot-Face said:

To me it seems that these games all start with fvcking around and jokes for about 10 pages, and the first person to try to actually create some game content (out of little or nothing, because it all has to start somewhere) automatically gets on everyone's radar like, "Why so serious?"

That's all it looked like to me. Nyn was just trying to get things started by pointing out behavior by Lilly that does seem a little suspicious. I've never played with Lilly before, so I have no idea what to expect from her, though.

Some bla bla about how game starts are. And he defends me.


On 2/26/2016 at 1:56 AM, Spoot-Face said:

Yeah, I've taken a little longer to ease myself into this game. That joke was the last one I did before going back to the beginning to re-read everything and try to start to make sense of what's going on. I was in the process of that earlier, but got sidetracked by RL stuff. I'm trying to get into it now.

Explains why he hasn't gotten serious yet.


On 2/26/2016 at 1:58 AM, Spoot-Face said:

Yeah, I left the in-thread tab open in my browser and put my PC into sleep mode. Didn't know how long I was going to be away for.

Explains why his name was in the online users list around deadline but didn't say much.


On 2/27/2016 at 2:02 AM, Spoot-Face said:

I guess I have some extra time to get sh*t figured out.




...time to watch hockey!

Says he has time to get into the game... but doesn't do it.


On 2/27/2016 at 4:39 AM, Integrity28 said:

This is a fair assessment.

Makes me wonder why you don't seem to understand when the ****ery needs to stop and participation needs to begin.

Ape tells him off on not getting into the game. lol


On 2/27/2016 at 5:18 AM, Spoot-Face said:

Oh, for me the fvckery never stops. Never. There's always a place for fvckery. It's kinda my strength so far. I just try (keyword "try") to bring it down some as I start to get involved a bit. I haven't gotten that involved just yet this game, and I probably won't until Sunday. I'm gonna be gone most of the day tomorrow and won't be able to get on. I may be able to get on tomorrow night, but I don't know if I'll have the energy to try to dive in into the actual game play.

Still doesn't get into the game. Says he will prolly only do it on Sunday.


On 2/27/2016 at 5:31 AM, CTM said:

how do you feel as first time scum? good?

CTM grilling Spoot


On 2/27/2016 at 5:35 AM, Spoot-Face said:

Hold on, let me first get my time machine...











Nope, sorry, I can't answer that. Future scum-me told present town-me to take my fvckery and go back home the past (present).

Future me is a dick. :(

More jokes.


On 2/27/2016 at 5:44 AM, CTM said:

i see through your attempts to use humor to obfuscate the truth


On 2/27/2016 at 5:52 AM, Spoot-Face said:

Keep up with the baseless accusations and I'll "obfuscate" my foot in your ass.

Moldy ganja breath.

More jokes


On 2/27/2016 at 4:26 PM, Lizard King said:

Vote Count

Brett (4)- Jif, Nyn, Lily, Ape

Ape (2) -  Brett, Hess

Ballin (2) - AVM, 80

80 (1) - CTM



Not Voting (3) - Crusher, Ballin, Spoot,

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

This is the VC around the time. But it's the one Lizzie got wrong....... both CTM and Brett are voting Spoot atp. Ape is on Brett. Hess is on Ape.


On 2/28/2016 at 5:05 PM, Spoot-Face said:

I see nothing interesting or funny happened in my absence. No surprise there.

Another cop out and basically not getting involved. 


On 2/28/2016 at 7:21 PM, Spoot-Face said:

Not really. Any impressions I came away with on Friday--when I finally had the time--I kinda forgot. I probably need to go over again, because my memory is sh*te. I wasn't really on at all yesterday because I was busy, and right now I'm not feeling 100%. I don't know if I just need more coffee or what, but I'll do my best to keep up. I may have to lay down for a bit.

Says he did catch up...... and If I recall he did rep some early post of mine...... but it's just a cop out after another. He caught up... but then forgot. 


On 2/28/2016 at 8:41 PM, Spoot-Face said:

Gonna have to lay down. Will try to get back on later.

More promises to get into the game.

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On 2/28/2016 at 11:49 PM, Spoot-Face said:

Where did I mention being a noob? It has nothing to do with that. Nice narrative, though.


This is prolly the first time Spoot does something and it's when Balling gets in his face. I don't think Spoot used the noob card in the post Ballin referenced. The exchange at the time just seemed thick to me, honestly.


On 2/28/2016 at 0:33 AM, Spoot-Face said:

Thanks for telling me what I'm implying--I wouldn't have any idea otherwise. No, what I'm implying is that's just how I've been playing so far--it's as simple as that. And I didn't announce it out of the blue. Nyn vocalized her suspicion of how little game content I've actually created so far, and I'm agreeing and explaining why.

Also, pray tell, what are these "scum tells" of which I'm deflecting attention away from?

More of Spoot's response to Ballin.


On 2/28/2016 at 0:43 AM, Spoot-Face said:

Yes. And there are previously stated reasons why.

Please tell me what I'm going to do more; everyone always appreciates that.


If you're so sure, why don't you start a train on me? I'm sure everyone else will see your brilliant logic and follow you to victory. You might actually take down a scum.

Challenges Ballin to go at him more.


On 2/28/2016 at 0:57 AM, Spoot-Face said:

vote Hess

He quickly voted CTM at the beginning of the game, but quickly jumped on the Ape train when 80 and Brett and has gotten little, if any, pressure for it.

This is an interesting vote, in light of Hess' flip. At the time I didn't get the vote at all... I don't understand the reason behind it. Hess was suss because of a joke vote on CTM and then Ape?


On 2/29/2016 at 2:40 AM, Integrity28 said:

Been gone all weekend. Read the past few pages. 

I don't even know who I was voting.


Will hopefully get invested in this tomorrow. 

Ape comes in.... poor thing doesn't even remember who he's voting.... lol.... promises to get more involved.


On 2/29/2016 at 4:18 AM, Lizard King said:

Ok so now that DCL has jumped in belly first and had a weekend to read the thread, I'm going to put a deadline down on this game so that we don't go a full calendar week on day one with 90% joke posting and burn everyone out. 


Deadline: 8pm EST, Monday


New deadline is set for D1.

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On 2/29/2016 at 3:04 PM, HessStation said:

Why would either vote be bad Spoot? In detail please

Hess questions Spoot for his reason for voting hm.


On 2/29/2016 at 7:24 PM, Spoot-Face said:


I think I'm having a reaction from the probiotics I've been taking because my skin is itchy all over, and I've got a rash on my belly and chest area from scratching. This sucks.

RL stuffs.


On 2/29/2016 at 7:27 PM, Spoot-Face said:

Meh, it's not the votes themselves are bad, but how little scrutiny they got compared to others. I'm just adding a little pressure.

Spoot's explanation to Hess. I still don't get it lol 


On 2/29/2016 at 8:00 PM, HessStation said:

 I noted it myself too tbh.

Hess agrees. lol


On 2/29/2016 at 8:07 PM, Integrity28 said:

Sorry, been crazy busy... game seems dead.

Let's kick it in the pants a bit, yea?

Vote Brett

Competing trains. I haven't read anything since last week, to be perfectly honest.

Ape goes right back to Brett after "forgetting" who he was voting for lol


On 2/29/2016 at 8:48 PM, Spoot-Face said:

Yeah, I'm starting to lose interest. Partly because of real-life stuff, and partly because not much is actually going on.

Starting to lose interest? When did he have interest to begin with? cause I don't see it so far. The gotcha moment only happens later.


On 2/29/2016 at 9:01 PM, Spoot-Face said:

I'll make sure to consolidate a vote this time; I don't want a power role to get randomized again.

I'm sure scum would be happy with a random lynch, though...

...right, JiF?

First of all... ewww. Scum would be in the random pool so no. They wouldn't want that.

Also throws dirt at JiF. So did Ape. So did Hess.


On 2/29/2016 at 9:12 PM, Integrity28 said:

Who started the Ballin train, was it AVM, Nyn and JIF all voting him, or was someone else pointing out FOS on Ballin, but not voting him, and then those people voted him?

The Ape trying to direction attention elsewhere.


On 2/29/2016 at 9:22 PM, HessStation said:

I've noted your sensitivity thus far this game fwiw. 

A nudge at JiF


On 2/29/2016 at 9:24 PM, Spoot-Face said:

I remember I had FOSed him (last night, think) and didn't vote him. I wasn't feeling well, so it was more of an antagonistic, OMGUS FOS than a true one. I'm not sure if the voting started before or after that, but I'll check.

Spoot answers Ape about his FoS at Ballin. Says he'll go back to check for him. I don't think he actually does at any point. 


On 2/29/2016 at 9:27 PM, Spoot-Face said:

You were scum last game, so is this a subtle way of saying that you're town this time?

Nudge at JiF


On 2/29/2016 at 9:31 PM, Integrity28 said:

You've played long enough to understand the basic premise is that both town and scum need to convince people that they are town.

Ape lectures Spoot yet again  lol


On 2/29/2016 at 9:31 PM, Spoot-Face said:

He must be on the toilet.


^^ Ape: "Oh! I gotta go play some mafia!"

More jokes.


On 2/29/2016 at 9:36 PM, Spoot-Face said:

Okay, yeah, you're point being?

I just was pointing out that it was a sort of cutsie way to say "I'm town".


Then again, everything JiF does is cute. <3

More jokes.

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On 2/29/2016 at 9:40 PM, Spoot-Face said:

No. I have no life. I'm pretty much useless.

Hippie commune or swap meet. Take your pick.

More nothing. For reference... this post is in between Ape blasting me. 


On 2/29/2016 at 9:45 PM, Jetsfan80 said:

Vote Spoot


On 2/29/2016 at 9:53 PM, Spoot-Face said:

Disney is already a scary enough place. I went when I was very young and I didn't enjoy it.

This post is like 10+ minutes after my claim. Still, just jokes. No acknowledgements or opinion on what's going on. My reveal.... Ape's push... plenty is happening to comment on and he shows zero interest. Shortly after that is when 80 asks him if he's scum... he says no.... Ape votes 80.

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1 hour ago, Nynaeve said:

I did agree about Spoot. He was around when Brett and I were having a.... disagreement.... and the game was in serious turf... and he was still dicking around instead of playing. I'm gonna have to check what Ape was doing. Not sure. Give me a bit.

sorry on phone and really not feasible for me to look 

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14 hours ago, StraightCash said:

Vote lily 

the case

1 - she jumped on the Ape joke train pretty care free, and was the 4th vote... That's pretty high.

i don't think she would do that without being on the same team as Ape and knowing that Ape wouldn't make a big deal out of it.

2 - she made a post last night along the lines of "you think there could be a god father AND roleblocker?"... Seemed desperate to validate her own innocent result.

Why?  We have an innocent on her from Nyn.  

We have a 2 for 2 on scum and they missed last night.  The prudent play is the logical one.  Right now, the only people we know nothing about are 80 and AVM.  

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14 hours ago, AVM said:

Meh -- thought through it and as I said to CTM, the only scenario in which you fake counter there is if you're giving up and just trying to get the Ape out of spite or some nonsense.  There was already a lot of support from Nyn, CTM and 80 on lynching Ape before you revealed so there was just no need.

Same reason there was no need for me to "show my ass" and defend Ape when literally no one else was.  To be fair though, I did proclaim Ape and defended him referencing his reaction compared to when he got lynched fake claiming sensor.

Meh - right back at you.  You were setting up to come after me.  2 minutes later, saw where Ape was, and dropped a vote.


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14 hours ago, CTM said:

I could go 80 for sure.. it was him pointing out the lack of the unvote that saved ape day1

That and he was all over the place leading up to the lynch.  He was definite on you, 2 hours later, he wasnt convinced of anything but refused to vote Ballin. 

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14 hours ago, StraightCash said:

So why is CTM the town leader? All he did was throw up an offer to get lynched D1 and he's been leading the game since.

1) He didn't unvote to hammer Ape D1. Intentional? I could see him sending LK a PM saying it was purposeful, which was why LK posted a final lynching Ape, then going back and changing to random 

2) he had a ton of distancing with Ape on D2... And even when Ape was voting 80 he was still only fighting with CTM

Seriously?  He was the only one slow playing the lynch on Ape.  And what about his D1 self sacrifice?  That would be a brilliant gambit play and one I'm not sure he would try.

That said, I would love to see Hess and Ape going mental in the QT if CTM offered to kill himself on D1 as scum. 

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