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Geno Jets Starter?


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It's possible because Hoyer is out! He signed with Chicago today. So it looks like Mac not only let him walk but he didn't give him the time of day. So unless we can get McCown or someone like that it's Geno. Mac doesn't seem to be losing sleep over this. He's very calm even though you're talking about his starting Qb. Everyone is calm including Fitz. Maybe they know something that we don't. Like that they already have a deal and are just waiting until they can clear cap space. If not it could be Geno. Who will complicate things if he's good?.

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You can pretty much be sure that it won't be Geno.  If they can't sign Fitz, they'll make a trade for a hold the fort player.  I'd be very surprised if Geno was still on this team come opening day (they won't carry more than 3).

The way the team is built, it really does not make sense to not try one more time for a playoff experience (Geno guarentees at best a  .500 season) so i'd be very surprised if they didn't resign Fitz.

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Chan is the key to this whole issue, face it, they are not going to give Fitz what he is asking for.

I have to believe they have seen enough of what Geno can do in this offense to feel he can prosper in it. If Chan can make a weak armed Fitz look good, who to say he can't do the same for Geno. The same Geno who can out throw and out run Fitz any day of the week.

I again believe many of you who think we are doomed if we don't resign Fitz,are going to be very disappointed with the results we get from him with the competition we will face this season.

Fitz's arm just does not allow for a deep threat that we were so lacking last season. Yes, he can get the ball down field but it takes all he has and it's always a the ultimate challenge for him.

You folks seem to forget many of his throws were made to look good by the quality of the receivers who were catching some of those ducks.

Remember the throw where Marshall literally took the interception away from the defender.

So again, Chan is the key here, for the first time in his short NFL career Geno will have a OC who will tailor the offense to Geno's skill set. Geno will have solid WR's underneath and deep threats who can get separation and who can take advantage of his strong arm.

He will have an extremely strong running game behind him with backs who are exceptional at catching the ball out of the back field

He will have a healthy set of TE's that Fitz didn't even have last year.

The only real question then becomes, has Geno matured enough in the mental aspect of the game to not repeat some of the dumb mistakes he has made in the past.

As much as many you believe that Geno is not a smart kid, everything we have ever heard about him says otherwise.

An the final piece of this whole puzzle is Geno himself. He knows the dogs are barking loudly behind him, the fans the so called "experts", all who do not think he has what it takes to be a starter on this level.

This is his last shot at not being another college star who wilted in the NFL. I would say the very strong motivation for anyone who is serious about making a career for themselves.

Personally I am rooting for the kid to succeed and prove all the doubters wrong. Because if he does we will have what we all long for, a franchise QB.

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