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Poor Brant Boyer


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Man you gotta feel for our ST coordinator. After a rock star year he got buzz and survived the firings all around him. His kicker and kickoff returner went to the pro bowl. 

Now his unit looks completely  lost and inept. I don’t blame Nate this. Two idiot moves by two separate GMs have handicapped  l him. 

A) mac let’s Jason Meyers walk. Oh yea and Andre roberts but the Meyers thing to me is more of a but deal:

b) Douglass completely failed in finding us a kicker by week 1. The vid pickup to me was stupid and it well it proved itself out. 

ST is important for a young rebuilding team. We will be in close games where kicks and field position matters. It’s criminal what is Happening and loss one belongs to the front office bums of past and present 

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