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Thank you VanDoug!


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I was gonna pm you this information, but figured i'd post it out here for all to see. Remember that Steelers shirt you bought me for Christmas? Welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, lets just say that it is UNDEFEATED! LOL

I have worn this shirt for the past 4 games. This shirt might not mean much to alot of folks, but to me, this shirt means EVERYTHING! Thank you so much! You got me the best x-mas gift of all, UNDEFEATED MOJO and a SB trophy! No one can tell me any different, either!

P.S. Before any of ya's jump on me too hard..... i know i'm a bit strange, already. LOL

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stiller, hope you washed it in between wears.

glad to see the steelers get a win yesterday. Perhaps now you can be a good example to our resident patfans on how to act on a rival fan site with a recent lombardi trophy under your belt.

how's the hangover treating you?????????

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stiller, hope you washed it in between wears.

glad to see the steelers get a win yesterday. Perhaps now you can be a good example to our resident patfans on how to act on a rival fan site with a recent lombardi trophy under your belt.

how's the hangover treating you?????????

I dunno about setting an example, i'm not good at it lol. I actually have no hangover, but my throat is sore as hell from all the yelling and such. It broke my heart when Ben threw that INT. We were going down to put the game away at 21-3 then 2 minutes later it's 14-10. Wow, what a turn of events! If it's one thing i've learned as a Steelers fan, it's that NOTHING comes easy. Thank god it all turned out OK.

Thank you and I hope you get to feel these feelings SOON, Joewilly.

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thanks stiller,

I must say I enjoyed the game for the most part. some sloppy play & a few bad calls but I think the better team won. Steelers are a class organization imo & i'm glad for cowher & co they got the win.

as for the jets, well I can only hope mangini & co can get things on the right track quickly, but I won't hold my breath

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Hey StillerPaul,

Glad it worked out for you!!!!

Home come the Jets shirts I buy don't go undefeated?

It must be such a great feeling winning the Superbowl.

Enjoy the win and savor the time.

I bet smiling comes damn easy.

I know I'd be going nuts right now.



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I have worn this shirt for the past 4 games. This shirt might not mean much to alot of folks, but to me, this shirt means EVERYTHING! Thank you so much! You got me the best x-mas gift of all, UNDEFEATED MOJO and a SB trophy! No one can tell me any different, either!


The refs gave the Steelers the Super Bowl yesterday.

The Seahawks were the better team.

Big Ben is a fraud who was exposed yesterday.

Count you lucky stars because your team was very lucky and did not deserve to win.

Do I sound like a friggn' Jet fan, or what?

Congrats on a great win buddy.:yahoo:

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