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it's a Y chromosome thing.

can't be helped, mens lie.


Men lie.... women deceive...tomato...tomatoe.



I most certainly have a heart.  A cold, black heart. 


There is only one here....



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the job.

now hush and snuggle me I woke back up


It looks like it worked.  I'm not out of the woods yet, but...


Boss is so happy that the motion hearing that she was going to have to intend instead of the staff meeting is cancelled she is in a good mood.  It is "Secretary's Day"  or "Administrative Professional's Day", or whatever silly politically correct name they have for it now, so there are pastries and I just had to call and offer to chip in.  To top it off I got in 10 minutes early.  She just came into my office smiling and said "I thought you were all rapid eye movement at 8:15..." 


Good effort Cindy.  Pat yourself on the ass for me.

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consider it done.

now work with me on tomorrow's training. blech.


Okay.  Meeting survived.  Now on to your training.  How are we going to handle this?  Positive thinking or fancy cock dance?  I'm capable of either.  Positive thinking doesn't come as naturally.


Did I miss the fancy cock dance?


Not yet.  That doesn't go over so well down here.  See above.

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Okay.  Meeting survived.  Now on to your training.  How are we going to handle this?  Positive thinking or fancy cock dance?  I'm capable of either.  Positive thinking doesn't come as naturally.



Not yet.  That doesn't go over so well down here.  See above.

fancy cock dance.

did you have to ask?

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Cindy is well endowed, she will do fine!


Now are there any pastries left?


Of course.  Funny story, we got croissants form some fancy patisserie francais. The secretary/admistrative professional/staff assistant is on a diet and just demanded that I eat 12 so that she doesn't have any.  Otherwise she has promised typos in all my documents. 


it's not that kind of training.

they read o us from the training site.

for an hour.

fancy cock dance required.


A full hour?  Good thing I have started doing cardio again.  This might take some stamina. 




Stop asking and grab some.  They aren't going to last forever.

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I can't tell because I do not stare at a woman's crotch when we talk.  Boobs or butt sure, but not the crotch.  That would be rude.

pretty sure he means t!ts when says well endowed about a woman.

yes, work on the stamina, please.

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Of course.  Funny story, we got croissants form some fancy patisserie francais. The secretary/admistrative professional/staff assistant is on a diet and just demanded that I eat 12 so that she doesn't have any.  Otherwise she has promised typos in all my documents. 

Fishing for comments...should have said she did not need to.  You would have been her favorite fancy cock.

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If you want to see the sunshine you have to weather the storm

the sun is radioactive and deadly.

I'm pretty much committed to dying alone and unloved surrounded by cats.

and I'd hate to mess with my noone here gets out alive pension plan.

no sunshine for me.

good luck with the rogue waves and all.

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the sun is radioactive and deadly.

I'm pretty much committed to dying alone and unloved surrounded by cats.

and I'd hate to mess with my noone here gets out alive pension plan.

no sunshine for me.

good luck with the rogue waves and all.


I like waves. The rest of it I can take or leave. Still prefer dogs to cats. 

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