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Commercials so far


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On 2/12/2023 at 7:54 PM, Untouchable said:

I grew up a comic nerd and I’ve been tired of this sh*t for multiple years now.

Pretty much the same with Star Wars. I always really liked the original trilogy, but everything since is sh*t outside of a good, but not great, Mandalorian show.

Disney is a giant, money grubbing slut that won’t stop until they’ve milked everything you used to love completely bone dry. And then they’ll milk it some more.

mel brooks q GIFCleverOptimisticGoa-size_restricted.gif

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On 2/12/2023 at 9:23 PM, Untouchable said:

Mandalorian was good in relation to everything sh*t that came after the original series.

Rogue One was fan fiction without a single character worthy of taking up a portion of my brain to memorize. The ending was supposed to be some tear jerking moment while I couldn’t have cared less about everyone in that movie being turned to vapor.

Haven’t watched Andor, even though I’ve heard good things. I just don’t care anymore.

Get back to making interesting, original films.

Not just relying on smoothbrains who will eat up any and everything with a Star Wars or Marvel/DC logo slapped onto it.

Rogue one, imo, was pretty darn good.  Gives star wars 3 a place to start and ties in the whole thing about the Death Star plans.  Of course these movies can be pretty hokey.  Like the commercial the characters always seem to run into the garage with the chain saws instead of taking the running car, but so what.  Andor is pretty good and is a prequel to rogue one.

incidently, andor is played by Diego Luna who is also the main character in Narcos Mexico. Excellent series.

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