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McClover our new ST's demon?


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Jetcanes camp reports told us how he was torturing the tackling dummies and that blocked punt Friday,where he almost took it off that guys foot...pretty impressive. Rememeber Jerald Sowelll made a living here doing just that for a few years

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Jetcanes camp reports told us how he was torturing the tackling dummies and that blocked punt Friday,where he almost took it off that guys foot...pretty impressive. Rememeber Jerald Sowelll made a living here doing just that for a few years

i know he was a great st player at miami ...and he did get hurt last year so this is his year to prove himself

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I felt horrible when he broke his ankle last yr. Hopefully he gets some PT.

hey my motto used to be you can never have too many Miami Hurricanes on your roster-this from the guy who actually CALLED the Jerrell Weaver 7th round pick a few years ago-I'm still patting myself on the back for that one.

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he also started alongside Vilma at LBer right Jetcane?

I believe the three LBs were DJ, Vilma and McClover. i just looked for my 2003 and 2004 yearbooks but couldnt find them- thats what I get for straightening up, LOL.

I may be leaving out a guy who was also in the rotation.

Thing is, after going to tc LAST year, and seeing Barton struggle with his ankle, I really believed 57 was going to get a lot of play as a LB, which made his injury suck even more.

This year, he isnt even getting a whiff of LB.

I expect him him to be a very solid ST player, but we have several other athletic guys who will make plays and tackles, too.

Westhoff's units will be the strength of the team this season.

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I believe the three LBs were DJ, Vilma and McClover. i just looked for my 2003 and 2004 yearbooks but couldnt find them- thats what I get for straightening up, LOL.

I may be leaving out a guy who was also in the rotation.

Thing is, after going to tc LAST year, and seeing Barton struggle with his ankle, I really believed 57 was going to get a lot of play as a LB, which made his injury suck even more.

This year, he isnt even getting a whiff of LB.

I expect him him to be a very solid ST player, but we have several other athletic guys who will make plays and tackles, too.

Westhoff's units will be the strength of the team this season.

to their credit that's the ONE THING I liked that Bradway and Herm did last year in the draft-they finally got Westhoff some guys for HIS unit

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hey my motto used to be you can never have too many Miami Hurricanes on your roster-this from the guy who actually CALLED the Jerrell Weaver 7th round pick a few years ago-I'm still patting myself on the back for that one.

I remember Jerrell!

I dig my Canes, but i heart the Jets too.

There are guys I wouldnt want the Jets to draft, but the ones I endorse (Olsen next year) I recommend because i think they are great players, good guys, and will help the Jets.

I was praying the Jets wouldnt draft Brock Berlin- one of my least favorite Canes of all time.

They have always had great ST- although Coker has turded them up a little, too.

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I believe the three LBs were DJ, Vilma and McClover. i just looked for my 2003 and 2004 yearbooks but couldnt find them- thats what I get for straightening up, LOL.

I may be leaving out a guy who was also in the rotation.

Thing is, after going to tc LAST year, and seeing Barton struggle with his ankle, I really believed 57 was going to get a lot of play as a LB, which made his injury suck even more.

This year, he isnt even getting a whiff of LB.

I expect him him to be a very solid ST player, but we have several other athletic guys who will make plays and tackles, too.

Westhoff's units will be the strength of the team this season.

Don't forget McIntosh...

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I remember Jerrell!

I dig my Canes, but i heart the Jets too.

There are guys I wouldnt want the Jets to draft, but the ones I endorse (Olsen next year) I recommend because i think they are great players, good guys, and will help the Jets.

I was praying the Jets wouldnt draft Brock Berlin- one of my least favorite Canes of all time.

They have always had great ST- although Coker has turded them up a little, too.

Brock Friggin Berlin-a Gator cast-off I couldn't believe when they started him-one of the absolute worst Canes QBs to come down the pike-probably because he wasn't a true Hurricane

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Brock Friggin Berlin-a Gator cast-off I couldn't believe when they started him-one of the absolute worst Canes QBs to come down the pike-probably because he wasn't a true Hurricane

Agreed 100%, but it goes deeper than that.

THAT was the first clue we all should have had that freakin Lllary Cokerq doesnt know wtf he is doing.

He had no one behind Dorsey except crudup, who was as much of a qb as Verde is, and so he made a freakin deal with the gaytor to transfer and hand him the starting job. Berlin was a guy who got dumped by Spurrier in favor of Grossman- now spurrier knows something about who can and cant play qb, which should also tell you a lot about Patrick Ramsey.

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Agreed 100%, but it goes deeper than that.

THAT was the first clue we all should have had that freakin Lllary Cokerq doesnt know wtf he is doing.

He had no one behind Dorsey except crudup, who was as much of a qb as Verde is, and so he made a freakin deal with the gaytor to transfer and hand him the starting job. Berlin was a guy who got dumped by Spurrier in favor of Grossman- now spurrier knows something about who can and cant play qb, which should also tell you a lot about Patrick Ramsey.

Wasn't it Gibbs who benched Ramsey?I rememeber when Spurrier 1st went to Washington they criticized him for playing too hard in pre-season-blitzing and throwing bombs and running up scores.Also,Coker might be the college game version of Herman Edwards taking a great team and running it into the ground.

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