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Tuesday Morning QB


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Nice article 4H. I agree with letting one back (preferably Barlow) take all the carries for now in the hopes of at least getting a rhythm. Very good point.

the "cutesy" formations and motions are part of football. All teams do it, getting the TE into a better bloking position is a moot point if he just plain sucks at blocking. I think this is a bit of mitpicking.

And as far as Vilma and Barton dropping back, you have to remember the dynamics of football. When they do this they are in zone coverage. The QB's first look upon the snap of the ball is the direction of the LB's, as is the backfield runner if he is going out for a pass. If they see the 2 middle LB's coming in to rush the passer, the RB will run his short route to the middle of the field, leaving him wide open since the safeties will be helping outside. If the safeties come up to cover then the CB's are alone in man coverage, if they get beat it will be for 7. I'm not saying we should never send them on a blitz, just that you can't do it the majority of the time. The RB will change his route to the outside if they see the ILB's dropping into coverage. That is a much easier place to contain him before it becomes a big gain. The problem isn't them dropping back, it is that the guys who are rushing the QB need to do a better job getting there.

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the "cutesy" formations and motions are part of football. All teams do it, getting the TE into a better bloking position is a moot point if he just plain sucks at blocking. I think this is a bit of mitpicking.

I know what Tyson is saying. But right now they have no other choice. They have to try and create mismatches. They can't not win at the line of scrimmage. Until that changes you will see this style of play.

Ultimately I am sure they would like to just line up and blow people off the line. But they are most likely a guard and a tackle away from having that happen. Plus some game experience for the other guys.

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Good stuff T. First off, lemme say it was a blast meeting you.

I was also b1tching to faba during the first half about the excessive cutesy motion and shifts, coupled with bad execution and suspect playcalling.

I was also distressed that the LBs werent sent in to blitz a little more often. Cindy was doing his nails back there, waiting for WRs to run their patterns.

They need to decide which RB horse they are going to ride, and start riding him more often. Barlow needs carries to get into a rhythm, so I agree with you on that point as well.

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4H, i understand they were taking away the underneath passes and passes to the rbs. I wanted them to blitz more, you may have wanted them to drop deeper...either way, in the first half, I was not happy with Sutton's schemes, as the Patsies were getting huge chunks of yardage and controlling the tempo of the game.

On one of the key third down plays in that fourth quarter drive, they finally hit the RB one on one against Vilma, which went for a first down.

It's harder to play in this 3-4 when the personnel is still more suited to the 4-3, and playing a good team, you have to take a couple of chances and not let the game come to you.

Anyway, good article.

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Great meeting you as well Jetcane. My point is that I understand there are zones and coverages but many times it appeared Vilma and Barton were standing pat as the ball was being thrown well beyond them rendering them useless.

Any LB is going to be rendered useless once the ball is thrown beyond them. My point was in the meantime they are holding their ground to cover the RB who is likely going to throw a chip block and then sneak ot for a pass. If they do that and both Vlima and Barton are in the backfield while the safeties and CB's are back covering the deep WR's then they will get a 15-20 yard gain underneath everytime we don't actually get to the QB. Unfortunately we don't seem to get to the QB whether it is a sellout blitz or not.

Personally I think Vilma might be better suited on the outside when we are lining up in a 3-4 and move Hobson/Chatham inside. Vilma is fast enough and strong enough to cover a solid TE and the combo of him and Thomas coming around each end as a pass rusher seems alot more formidable to me.

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Any LB is going to be rendered useless once the ball is thrown beyond them. My point was in the meantime they are holding their ground to cover the RB who is likely going to throw a chip block and then sneak ot for a pass. If they do that and both Vlima and Barton are in the backfield while the safeties and CB's are back covering the deep WR's then they will get a 15-20 yard gain underneath everytime we don't actually get to the QB. Unfortunately we don't seem to get to the QB whether it is a sellout blitz or not.

Personally I think Vilma might be better suited on the outside when we are lining up in a 3-4 and move Hobson/Chatham inside. Vilma is fast enough and strong enough to cover a solid TE and the combo of him and Thomas coming around each end as a pass rusher seems alot more formidable to me.

I would not be against this move. Vilma might be better outside, and Hobson would probably be better inside. Same idea with swapping Barton to OLB and Hobson to ILB.

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I am not really into them dropping deeper but wanting them when set up at the LOS to actually attack rather than drop into coverage, especially when the QB is picking apart the zones. I understand they have to cover routes and areas but when things are not working time to change them during the game. I guess my point is that I was not fond of the play calling as others have mentioned and just think Sutton may need to re-evaluate his formations at times.

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