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U.S. papers show limited interest in Finals


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The strike really beat down the sports popularity. It seemed like the NHL was on a real high before that. Losing ESPN's coverage was devastating.

It's going to take a while to get back where they were. A finals matchup of Anaheim and Ottawa isn't going to do it.

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Hockey wil never draw big numbers on tv watching-it is a game that you appreciate watching live. Besides it will always have its hard core base and probably not much more-I am one of the hard core base.

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I watched last night's game, and it was a good game.

Are they ever going to make one standard about the kick in rule? The joke continues.

Chris Pronger is looking at a suspension of may be 2 games for the unpenalized elbow on Dean MCCammond.

The Ducks went from having decent and fun uniforms to having the dullest. If you watch them in black&white, it woudl look exactly the same.

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