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NHL Games to Go Online

Lil Bit Special

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Another example of Bettman f'ing up. Who's going to pay 169$ for onee season, or 15$ a day. That's outrageous! The quality will be better on the TV anyways, so what's the point in buying it? It's almost the same price of half a year's worth of iO, lol.

Unfortunately I'm going to wind up having to get this thing, as I will have no other way of watching games where I go to college in Virginia. When you think about it's only 2 bucks a game but still that is pretty high, especially considering the NHL is trying to gain popularity.

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Unfortunately I'm going to wind up having to get this thing, as I will have no other way of watching games where I go to college in Virginia. When you think about it's only 2 bucks a game but still that is pretty high, especially considering the NHL is trying to gain popularity.

Haha, that sucks, man. Mlb.tv premium is 70$ a year and 20$ a month, so that's WAYY cheaper. Paying 15$ daily is ridiculous too, but if you have nothing else, I guess you gotta get it.

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This is maybe the worst idea I have ever heard. Hockey really is a dying sport. That's a shame because I thought it was really starting to catch on in the mid-90's.

There are a number of reasons why the NHL went down the tubes. They moved a bunch of teams out of Canada, added dopey expansion teams to cities that could care less about hockey (i.e - Columbus, Atlanta).

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This is maybe the worst idea I have ever heard. Hockey really is a dying sport. That's a shame because I thought it was really starting to catch on in the mid-90's.

There are a number of reasons why the NHL went down the tubes. They moved a bunch of teams out of Canada, added dopey expansion teams to cities that could care less about hockey (i.e - Columbus, Atlanta).

The lockout after the '94 season really killed all the momentum the league had going. Then Bettman decided to ruin the league with his new rules, getting rid of teams in Canada, the stupid expansion teams, the raising ticket prices, etc. The expansion teams really made the league a whole-lot less talented, as there wasn't enough for all the teams, making skilled scrappers a rarity. F U Bettman.

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The lockout after the '94 season really killed all the momentum the league had going. Then Bettman decided to ruin the league with his new rules, getting rid of teams in Canada, the stupid expansion teams, the raising ticket prices, etc. The expansion teams really made the league a whole-lot less talented, as there wasn't enough for all the teams, making skilled scrappers a rarity. F U Bettman.

You're right on the money. Bettman has been a piss poor commish and is one of the biggest reasons why the NHL is going down the tubes.

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Haha, that sucks, man. Mlb.tv premium is 70$ a year and 20$ a month, so that's WAYY cheaper. Paying 15$ daily is ridiculous too, but if you have nothing else, I guess you gotta get it.


I paid something like US$110 for mlb tv premium at the start of the year with the mosaic add-on so I can watch 6 games I've bet on all lose at the same time.

Am I getting screwed?

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I paid something like US$110 for mlb tv premium at the start of the year with the mosaic add-on so I can watch 6 games I've bet on all lose at the same time.

Am I getting screwed?


Look at the little green box at the bottom of mlb.tv premium. It says "yearly 69.95$". I think you might be getting screwed- but maybe it's cheaper since the season's halfway done?

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Look at the little green box at the bottom of mlb.tv premium. It says "yearly 69.95$". I think you might be getting screwed- but maybe it's cheaper since the season's halfway done?

Yeah, they prorate it as the season goes on.

Still, for me living where I do it's something I have to have to follow my team.

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I paid something like US$110 for mlb tv premium at the start of the year with the mosaic add-on so I can watch 6 games I've bet on all lose at the same time.

Am I getting screwed?

No you arent. But you get 180 days of baseball. 162 played by each team. Hockey, which is more money, plays 82 games over the same time period.

How many non-(insert your favorite team here) are you going to watch??? If you love hockey and will watch any game, yeah the hockey package will be worth it. But if you dont you are paying 2.00 a game for your team vs. 70 cents per game for baseball.

I, personally dont care about interviews or any other extra crap. I want to watch the game. And if they really wanted fans back and wanted to grow the sport, maybe they should take a little less profit and give us fans something, like free or reduced price online access to games. But they dont. They want to gouge the fans they have. Too bad.

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No you arent. But you get 180 days of baseball. 162 played by each team. Hockey, which is more money, plays 82 games over the same time period.

How many non-(insert your favorite team here) are you going to watch??? If you love hockey and will watch any game, yeah the hockey package will be worth it. But if you dont you are paying 2.00 a game for your team vs. 70 cents per game for baseball.

I, personally dont care about interviews or any other extra crap. I want to watch the game. And if they really wanted fans back and wanted to grow the sport, maybe they should take a little less profit and give us fans something, like free or reduced price online access to games. But they dont. They want to gouge the fans they have. Too bad.

Great post. That's Gary Bettman for you. Everything to him's about the money. What he doesn't realise is that everything he's been doing is ruining the league, and losing him money. This and the ridiculous ticket prices make it so it's almost impossible to go to a game. F U Bettman, and F U Dolan.

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