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Hey Panzer


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We need an animated gif of laser BZ destroying Mogatu and then BZ melting after Mogatu blows up. that sounds like a good one, what do you think?

That sounds like the 5th signature version for sure, make it happen :lol:

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Panzer is my serf now, please address any questions or problems with Panzer and I will have him slave away for your benefit.

Do not presume to speak for me now, or at any point in what remains of your life, you unimportant lackey.

Now get back to the salt mines or it'll be a short trip to the germ warfare lab as a guinea pig.


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Do not presume to speak for me now, or at any point in what remains of your life, you unimportant lackey.

Now get back to the salt mines or it'll be a short trip to the germ warfare lab as a guinea pig.


Whoa, a pissed off Panzer! :rl:

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