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Networking question...


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I have heard that they work well... haven't used one though sorry...

Thanks. I feel like I haven't got my money's worth out of the PS3 yet, although the games and the Blu-ray kick ass. I can't update, load cds and get the disc info, or even check out JN on the hi-def. If I get the repeater, and it works out, I will likely check out Madden and play online.

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Thanks. I feel like I haven't got my money's worth out of the PS3 yet, although the games and the Blu-ray kick ass. I can't update, load cds and get the disc info, or even check out JN on the hi-def. If I get the repeater, and it works out, I will likely check out Madden and play online.

See if you can find a tech forum... Im sure someone there would know... also check out the Circuit City website... they usually have 100's of reviews from customers...

Updating is crucial... and you will also be able to download game demos... NCAA is one of them...

I havent tried Madden online yet... I cant beat all those ****ing kids that play 24/7

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You could probably go good with an extender. The online portion of the PS3 isn't that great, as the PSN store is very small, compared to the Live store. Soon though the store will be much better, and I find the updates to be pretty good so far. The web browser is also slower than the average computer's too. Once you get online, tell me your PSN ID. Maybe then someone will accept my friend requests. *ahem, ecurb* My connection's always at 100% and I never had any trouble with the browser or with the store, so I better not lag when I get a game that's good online.

Also, if you need a bluetooth headset, buy Warhawk that comes out this week and it comes with one free. :cheers:

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You could probably go good with an extender. The online portion of the PS3 isn't that great, as the PSN store is very small, compared to the Live store. Soon though the store will be much better, and I find the updates to be pretty good so far. The web browser is also slower than the average computer's too. Once you get online, tell me your PSN ID. Maybe then someone will accept my friend requests. *ahem, ecurb* My connection's always at 100% and I never had any trouble with the browser or with the store, so I better not lag when I get a game that's good online.

Also, if you need a bluetooth headset, buy Warhawk that comes out this week and it comes with one free. :cheers:

I just sent you one yesterday!

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You would think that is the right choice. Ask the Mrs. about drilling holes through walls and running 30' of cable just for the PS3.


How far away from the wireless router is your PS3? The last place I lived was a 3 story condo and I had a great connection wherever I was in the house.

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You would think that is the right choice. Ask the Mrs. about drilling holes through walls and running 30' of cable just for the PS3.


Don't keep the PS3 anywhere near the kitchen. She will have no idea.


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Not too far, but there are 3 walls that are kinda in the way.

Meh. I have my router on one side of my house, and I get great connection down to my garage on the other side, then good to half way down the road, and then it trickles down from there. I think I need the securities I have on my router. :)

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I have a poor signal on my PS3 (about 40%), and I can't get a good signal to stay online for more than a few seconds. I would like to get a wireless repeater/range extender. Anyone use these?


sorry bro, the network I set up with a few repeaters in my parents house is all apple airport, so I can't give definite recommendations. But if you get good hardware, it will work fine.

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