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Any die-hard soccer fans here?

I'm an ardent supporter of Fulham FC (England) and a season ticket holder for the New York Red Bulls. Soccer is definitely my #1 love in terms of sports. Not sure how I rank the rest, but it all depends.

Just curious of there are more here and what teams you support. Red Bull fans stand up.

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Any die-hard soccer fans here?

I'm an ardent supporter of Fulham FC (England) and a season ticket holder for the New York Red Bulls. Soccer is definitely my #1 love in terms of sports. Not sure how I rank the rest, but it all depends.

Just curious of there are more here and what teams you support. Red Bull fans stand up.

There are a few of us on the board. I am a big Chelsea supporter so I tend to watch mostly Premiership action, but I've been watching MLS more and more. Besides me, you've got Panzer Division Marduk and maybe Haggis as some of the few people on the board that will post anything Football related.

Feel free to post soccer stuff often. The more the merrier, besides, it'll be a lot nicer to see some soccer threads than all the garbage basketball threads on this site.

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