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Surprised no one mentioned Mariano...


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he deserves every penny. Next story.
The only athlete I can think of who has the right to expect to retire on his terms, as a Yankee, and to be paid for past contributions. Figure he's still going to be effective for another year or 2.
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I wonder if he has a shot at catching Hoffman for the all time saves lead. Hoffman is at 524, I believe, and MO is at 445, or there-a-bouts. I guess Hoffman would need to have a poor season in 2008, and then quit, in order for MO to catch him. And even if all this happened, MO would still need 3 super seasons to get there.

All in vain I suppose, as I bet K-Rod gets over 600. He started young, while MO was around 28 when he took over the closer's role in 1997.

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