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they were borderline embarassing last year...the routines were pathetic... bring back the frisbee dogs and send these "ladies" back to their local dance schools... if you want entertainment bring over the Knick City Dancers, they are clearly wasting their time at MSG

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they were borderline embarassing last year...the routines were pathetic... bring back the frisbee dogs and send these "ladies" back to their local dance schools... if you want entertainment bring over the Knick City Dancers, they are clearly wasting their time at MSG

I agree. Sure they are hot, but what do they actually bring to the table???

If they would do the Jets Cheer using their flags and getting the entire stadium into it I would be happy. But those silly dance routines are a total and complete waste of time.

We only have 8 home games a year. We shouldnt need any other entertainment at a game other than the game.

AND BRING BACK FRISBEE DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or flying lawnmowers...

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I agree. Sure they are hot, but what do they actually bring to the table???

Why, their hotness, of course.

If they would do the Jets Cheer using their flags and getting the entire stadium into it I would be happy. But those silly dance routines are a total and complete waste of time.

It's funny. By himself, sitting in the stands, Fireman Ed was still more capable of pumping the crowd up than the entire paid-for flight crew. Last season it was so quiet w/o him.. even in the beginning when we didn't know the season was going to tank...

We only have 8 home games a year. We shouldnt need any other entertainment at a game other than the game.

If we had a team last season, maybe you'd be right. I went to the home game vs. Buffalo though and let me tell you what.. if you can't even score a single touchdown against Buffalo of all teams then you're going to have serious problems getting the crowd into it.

It was the most pathetic display of football I've ever witnessed, maybe 1 or 2 exciting plays the entire game.. At the end I was so pissed (and kind of drunk, too), I screamed my voice out to almost everyone that was left in the building about how this was the beginning of the Kellen Clemens era. Wouldn't be surprised if some of you remember that.. haha. Anyway, that was the most entertaining part of the experience and it didn't occur until long after the clock ticked down..

In short, yes, last year we needed that flight crew.

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