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What will happen 1st?


What will happen 1st?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. What will happen 1st?

    • Alien life forms from Space will make themselves known to Earthlings
    • A Bigfoot will be caught
    • Religious Miracle, ie 2nd coming etc.
    • The end of the World

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I say you will start a thread about farting, which will lead to a thread about taking a dump. That will give some JNer the idea to travel to some exotic country to try some funky kind of spicey food. While there he will wander off to some secluded area to fart and take a dump. While he's off he will stumble upon Bigfoot, knocking him out with his farts and capturing him. Bigfoot turns out to really be a reconnaissance spy for Alien life forms from space. The Aliens will be upset that we caught their spy and make themselves known to humanity threatening to destroy us if we don't return their Bigfoot. Mankind will be foolish and not listen to them, which will bring the end of the world as we know it. Everything will be destroyed. Afterwards a great miracle will occur. Bigfoot will be resurrected and his rib will be removed and transformed into a helpmate spawning new life on planet earth once more.

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your argument was that there are other lifeforms, so therefore that will happen before the end of the world.

If aliens are happening never, then why would you argue we'll find other lifeforms before the world ends?

My argument was never that. MY argument was that everything else was impossible so the end of the world will happen first. In thousands of years. After that I was only answering questions people asked about other lifeforms.

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One in logical and based in science and common sense and one is fantastical.

It seemed like you were saying the opposite.

for me, I guess it's possible there are other sentient life-forms. But just like an agnostic who has never been shown proof of god existing, I've never seen anything that proves it one way or another. So I remain a skeptic.

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